Class 3 Weekly Update

English: The children have been doing work linked to the General Election. They began the week with a reading activity, learning what the General Election is and what some of the parties manifestos were. They then formed their own parties and came up with a name, logo, slogan and manifesto. They used these to create posters and write some speeches for their campaign (please see post below for photos).

Maths: We began the week by revising the grid method for multiplication with some children progressing onto learning the column method for short multiplication. We have now moved on to learning the bus stop method for division, first with no remainders, then with remainders and finally when carrying is involved. We have been so impressed with how well the children have picked this up – well done Class 3!

D&T: The children have begun to  make their packaging – this will be finished off over the next couple of weeks.

Geography: We have started a new geography topic called ‘Settlements’. We have thought about what early settlers would have needed and looked for when deciding on a place to live.

RE: We have finished off our work on ‘salvation’ and will be starting a new topic of ‘creation’ next week.

Other things that the children have done this week include filling out a pupil survey about our school and practising for the Concord College Choir competition next week.

Have a lovely weekend all!

Class 3’s General Election

Class 3 have worked extremely hard this week to prepare for their own General Election. The children were grouped into parties and came up with their own manifestos, party name, logo and slogan.  A party leader was selected to run for Prime Minister and they have spent some of this week preparing a speech. The rest of the party created some campaign posters to persuade people to vote for them.

Today was voting day! The party leaders gave their speeches to the other parties as well as to some of Class 4, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Ansell and Miss Moran. We were all so impressed with how confident the party leaders were and with how well the other party members listened to each other.

All of Class 3 then took their polling card to the ‘Polling Station’ and cast their vote. They all behaved very well at the Polling Station, remembering to be quiet and to not talk to each other when in the booths.

Here are some photos for you to enjoy. Well done Class 3 for working so hard and making us all very proud!

One more thing…..the winning party will be announced in assembly tomorrow!





Class 3 Weekly Update

English: As you are aware from previous posts below, the children have had a great week doing some work linked to the borrowers. They have planned, designed and made a house for the Borrowers to live in outside and have written a letter to Arietty to try to persuade her to choose their house to live in. If you haven’t seen the photographs yet, do scroll below to previous posts to see how much the children were enjoying themselves. Next week we will continue to read some more of the Borrowers story and do some independent writing linked to this.

Maths: We have been revising lots of different skills and concepts in maths this week. We began the week by revising our knowledge of how to give directions – linking it to right angles and degrees in a turn. We have also played some games where we have had to apply our column methods. To end the week we have re-visited multiplication. We have gone over how to do a sum such as 40 x 4 by doing 4 x 4 then making our answer 10 times bigger. Next week we will continue with multiplication, going over the grid method and we will be doing some work on the bus stop method for division as well.

Please continue to support your child with learning their times tables as this will help them in our lessons. 

Science: This week we have learned about the water cycle. We have described the different stages and have been using the scientific terms to describe this process.

D&T: The children have been finalising their designs for their packaging which we will hopefully begin creating next week.

Music: The children have continued to learn about singing games, linking it to rhythm and pattern.

PSHE: The children have continued to discuss feelings and how people feel in different situations. They have discussed how to deal with feelings of frustration and disappointment.

PE: The children have continued with their swimming and tennis lessons this week.

Have a lovely weekend!


Class 3 Homework – Due Friday 26th May

This week I am sending the children home with some column subtraction homework. I have given them the activity most suited to them based on their work in class. The children often find subtraction more challenging than addition and sometimes need reminding to subtract and not add. Feel free to support your child with their homework but please could you just make a note on the homework if you do so.

Subtraction 2 digit numbers

Subtraction Activity no exchanging

Subtraction with Exchanging

Subtraction Problem Sheet

Class 3 Spellings – to be tested on Friday 9th June

Please note there will be no spelling test next Friday, the children will be tested on these spellings the Friday after half term.

Week 30

Our Borrower houses are finished!

The children have spent this morning completing their Borrower houses and I must say, I am very impressed with their creativity! All the children have thought carefully about what the Borrowers will need in their house and have come up with some wonderful ideas of how to make things like beds, tables chairs etc. Some houses have even gone the extra mile with things like an outdoor gym, a hammock, a swing! It’s been lovely to see the children working well together and enjoying themselves. They will move on tomorrow to creating a persuasive advertisement for their house to try to persuade the Borrowers to come and live in it.

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Building our Borrower Houses

Following on from yesterdays lesson, the children have begun building their houses for the Borrowers. They had to follow their criteria from yesterday and were encouraged to hit a speaking and listening objective of taking turns to speak, contributing and discussing ideas and listening to the ideas of others.All the groups did this really well and I saw some fantastic team work going on. Other skills were coming in to our lesson with the children measuring the height of their houses to make sure the Borrowers would fit in it and D&T skills to assemble it. The children have been very creative with their houses and some have even built the Borrowers a zip line to have fun on! We will continue with our building tomorrow and then the children will start to think of how they can persuade the Borrowers to choose their house to live in.

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Class 3 Outdoor Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,

Just a reminder that your child will need to bring a raincoat and wellies (or trainers that they don’t mind getting wet) to school this week. These will need to stay school all week so that your child can take part in our English and Maths lessons outside this week.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 English Work

We have started to read a new class book today – The Borrowers. The children have enjoyed learning what Borrowers are and have enjoyed listening to a story about them. During our lesson a letter fell down from behind a display…..a letter from Arietty, one of the Borrowers (you can read the letter below). The children have been set the task of helping the Borrowers by building them a house outside. We have planned our houses today and spent some time gathering materials from the wildlife area at school. Tomorrow we will begin building!


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