Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have started a new unit of work on poetry this week. We have read a number of poems and the children were asked to memorise parts of them and perform them to the rest of the class, making sure they used expression when doing so. We have also spent some time spotting patterns within poems and have identified different word types within them – nouns, adjectives, prepositions. We even had a go at improving a poem by adding more of these and changing the ones already there.

Maths: We have spent some time applying our knowledge of fractions to different problems and contexts – which the children were very good at! We have revised how to use number facts to help us multiply multiples of 10 – e.g. 40 x 3 – we would do 4 x 3 and then make it 10 times bigger. The children will be using this next week to help them solve some scaling problems. Some of the Year 4 children have learned how to divide 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10, including decimals.

Science: The children had great fun dissecting a flower this week. They learned the names of the different parts of the flower and their purpose. Next week they will move onto learning about the pollination process.

Geography: We used digital maps this week to compare land use in different areas. The children compared a city, a large town and a small town to see how the land was used in different ways.

D&T: The children have been putting the final touches to their packaging this week.

PE: The children have continued with their tennis lessons this week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week we have been focusing on grammar. We have spent some time learning about the present perfect tense. We have been learning how to spot it in sentences, how to say it and how to write it. The children have tried really hard with this but have found it quite challenging so it is something we will be revisiting.

Maths: This week we have continued our work on fractions. The children have solved some problems involving finding fractions of amounts and have been comparing fractions. Some of the year 4 children have been writing fractions as decimals and have learned how to round a decimal to the nearest whole number.

Science: We have been carrying out our investigation this week and have written our results and conclusions.

Geography: We have continued our work on settlements this week by finding out how the names of places in the UK can give us clues to who settled there originally. The children have practised their map reading skills and have labelled some of these places on their own map of the UK.

PE: The children have enjoyed playing rounders this week as well as continuing their Tennis lessons.

RE: The children have been planning their art work based on the Christian Creation Story.

Well done for working hard this week Class 3! Have a lovely weekend!

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 30th June

This week the children have been given some work relating to fractions.

Every child has been given a copy of their activity today and it is due in on Friday 30th June.

It has been made very clear to the children that if they do not hand in their homework on time then they will be asked to complete it during a playtime.


Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued our work on diaries this week. The children have spent some time writing a diary entry as Arietty from The Borrowers, describing what it is like to live in the forest school area. They have been practising their proof-reading skills and have had a go at editing and improving their work. Towards the end of the week they were set an independent writing task, to write a diary in character as the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk, explaining his side of the story. This was an opportunity for the children to apply and use the features they have learned independently.

Maths: We have continued our work on fractions this week. The children have been adding fractions with the same denominator and some of the Year 4 children have been adding fractions which total more than 1 whole. We have done some mental maths practise this week and the children have completed a test to use and apply what they have learned this year. Although this was quite challenging, they all worked very hard and tried their best.

Science: We were very excited this week to have our first lesson in the Eco-room! The children had great fun demonstrating the function of water within a plant through creating human models. We then moved onto planning an investigation to see if the temperature of a room effects how quickly a plant takes in water. We will be setting this up and carrying it out next week.

Geography: We have continued our work on ‘Settlements’ this week with the children identifying from different pictures the best types of settlements and giving reasons why.

RE: We have continued our work on creation and have read the story of creation from the Bible. The children are now working towards creating some artwork to express one part of creation that amazes them.

Just a little note to say a huge WELL DONE to Class 3 on sports day. You all did so well and your attitude and good sportsmanship was fantastic!


Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the children have been learning about diaries. We have read some examples of diaries and spotted some of the features within them. We are going to be writing our own diary in character as Arietty from The Borrowers, writing about what it is like to live in the school wildlife area. We have verbally planned and written some ideas down this week, ready to write it on Monday.

Maths: We began the week with some work on multiplication and division. The Year 3 children were learning how to use their multiplication skills to do some scaling up word problems. The Year 4 children were learning about factors – what they are and how to find them. We then all moved on to learning about equivalent fractions. At this stage the children are using visual images to find equivalent fractions but some have begun to see the pattern in the numbers already, which is very impressive.

Science: We have started our new unit on plants. The children have learned the names of different parts of the plants and have created a leaflet explaining their function.

D&T: We have continued to make our packaging for our confectionery product.

PE: We have spent some time doing sports day practise this week as well as having our usual tennis lesson.

RE: We have begun our new topic on ‘creation’ – the children have done an activity where they have gone outside to notice and appreciate things in nature.

Just another note to say well done to all those children involved in the choir competition this week. You have worked very hard and done yourselves and us proud!

Well Done Choir!!

This is just to say a huge WELL DONE to all the children involved in the Concord Choir competition. You did a fantastic job and made us all very proud! Thank you for your hard work and dedication – you had fantastic comments from the judges who really enjoyed your performance. Well done! Here’s to next year!

Photos and videos to follow!

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 16th June

This week we have been practising our division skills in our maths lessons. Therefore, all children have been given some division homework to complete this week. Feel free to support your child if needed, just pop a note on their homework to say that you did so.

Below are copies of the homework, your child should know which sheet they were given but do not hesitate to ask if they are unsure.

Division Number Line Method

Division Facts

Bus stop method with carrying

Bus stop method word problems