Class 3 Walk Around Bicton Village

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our science work next week we will be going for a walk around Bicton village to see if we can spot different materials and find out what they are being used for.

This will be on Tuesday 19th September. Please can you ensure your child has a coat in school on that day. If you do not wish your child to take part in the walk please let me know by Monday 18th September.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week we have been learning about how to add detail and description in our sentences. The Year 2’s have been learning about expanded noun phrases. They have been thinking of some exciting adjectives and have been learning how to use more than on in a sentence and how to separate them with commas. They Year 3’s have been focusing on adverbs this week. They have spent some time learning how to spot them in a sentence as well as having a go at writing their own sentences containing adverbs.

Maths: We have continued working on place value this week. The children have been learning how to identify the value of each digit within a number – Year 2’s have been working with 2 digit numbers and the Year 3’s have been working with 3 digit numbers. We have been looking at how numbers can be represented in lots of different ways through using equipment and through partitioning a number – e.g. 58 is 50 + 8.

Science: The children were introduced to our topic of ‘Everyday Materials’ this week. We spent some time looking at and identifying materials we already know. We were thinking of the ways these materials are used and why they may have been chosen for that specific purpose.

History: We went on a mini expedition around the school grounds to try to understand what it is like to be an explorer! We had to use a map to help us locate the different locations. We then found out about different explorers throughout history and some of the places where they went on expeditions.

RE: We had our first lesson on Islam this week. The children have watched a video of a Muslim child explaining what it’s like to be a Muslim and what her life is like. We then talked about all the questions we would like to find the answers to relating to Islam.

Music: The children began their ocarina lessons this week.

Computing: We spent some time working on Microsoft Word, learning how to change the style, colour and size of our font.

PE: The children have continued their dance and games lessons this week.

Please see other posts above regarding homework and a walk around Bicton Village next week as part of our science work. 


Class 3 Weekly Update

We have had a fantastic first week back in Class 3!

English: We have watched the beginning of the film ‘Up’ and the children have spent some time discussing and recording predictions of what they think might happen in the story. They have spent some time imagining what it would be like to be in the flying house and thinking about what they could see as they flew away. We used our ideas to write some expanded noun phrases about what we could see.

Maths: We have been focusing on Place Value this week. The children have practised counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s (Year 2 & 3) and 4’s (Just Year 3) this week through playing  games and completing puzzle activities. We have spent some time building numbers with equipment and matching numerals to written words. The year 2 children have focused on numbers up to 100 and the year 3 children have been focusing on 3 digit numbers.

History: The children have been introduced to their new topic of ‘Explorers’. We did a treasure hunt around the school to find clues about the two famous explorers we will be focusing on – Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. The children then came up with some questions they have about these explorers and we will aim to find the answers to these during the course of our topic.

PSHE: We have spent some time creating our class rules and thinking about our hopes for the year ahead.

PE: The children have had a dance and a games lesson this week.

French: The children have been introduced to some simple greetings in French.

We have also spent some time talking about the reflection area in our class and how we can use it.

Well done for a brilliant first week Class 3! Keep up the good work!

Class 3 Spellings – to be tested on Friday 15th September


Dear Parents/Carers,

The children’s spellings this week are linked to some work we have been doing in maths on matching numerals to written words. Therefore, the children’s spellings this week are all numbers.

Some assessments are currently being carried out, so please bear in mind that it is not unusual for your child to change spelling group over the course of the next few weeks as we assess their spelling needs.

We always emphasise to the children that spelling tests are just a part of their learning and that the most important thing is that they learn the meaning of words and are able to use and spell them correctly within their independent writing. With this in mind, when practising at home with your child it is helpful to ask them to write their spellings in sentences. I have sent home a practise sheet for each group so please feel free to use the back of this to do so.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt


Class 3 Curriculum Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have attached a copy of our Curriculum Letter for this term which outlines what we will be learning about in each subject.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and ask me.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt



Class 3 Maths

Today we received a letter from the Borrowers who are living in the wildlife area. We were told about some humans that they have seen and were told how many times bigger they were than the borrowers. We then used our multiplication facts to work out how tall they were and then we drew their lengths on the playground before deciding who out of school it could have been.

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued our work on poetry this week and the children have written some poems similar to the ones they have read. They wrote their own ‘Sounds in the evening’ poem where they described all the different sounds they can hear at night time. We have been revising adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and fronted adverbials through this work and the children have been challenged to use these within their writing,

Maths: We have been doing some work on measurement this week. The children have been measuring in mm, cm and m and have done some work on converting these measurements.

Science: This week we have learned about the pollination process and have had a go at describing and ordering the process.

Geography: We have ended our work on settlements by designing our own settlement and creating a map of it. The children were very good at giving reasons for their positions of the different features and including a key on their map.

This week we have spent some time preparing and practising for celebration assembly and the children had a great day on transition day in Class 4.

Just so you are aware, the children have not been given new spellings for next week due to it being the end of term.

As it is the last week of term next week, please could you ensure your child brings a carrier bag to school as throughout the week we will be sending home children’s work from this year.

Thank you! Enjoy your weekend!