Year 3 Visit from the Fire Service

The Year 3 children had a visit from the Fire Service this morning to learn all about fire safety. They even had the chance to go on the fire engine!

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the Year 2 children have been focusing on the different types of sentences – exclamations, questions and statements. They have been learning how to recognise these and have had a go at writing some of their own, making sure they punctuate them correctly.

The Year 3 children have been learning how to edit and improve their work. They have done some writing based on the film ‘Up’ and have learned how to choose a sentence they have written and make it better. They have also been proof-reading their work checking for punctuation errors.

Maths: This week the children have been learning how to add ‘ones’ to a number. The Year 2 children have been adding ones to a 2 digit number and the Year 3 children have been adding ones to a 3 digit number. The children have been doing this practically using base 10 equipment as well as using number lines to help them.

Science: This week the children did an investigation to see what materials can change shape and what you can do to them to change their shape – e.g. squash them, bend them, twist them etc. They recorded their results in a table and were asked to explain what they had found out.

History: The children did some writing in character as Christopher Columbus. They had to imagine they were Columbus at sea during a storm and they had to write a message home explaining how they were feeling as well as telling people what they had found on their travels.

RE: The children did an activity on the Five Pillars of Islam where they had to explain what they are.

Computing: The children applied all the skills they have learned recently to create a poster.

PE: The children have continued with their dance and games lessons this week.



Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 6th October

The children have been given a piece of maths homework this week relating to place value. Please can this be handed in by Friday 6th October. If your child looses their homework and you are unsure which activity they were given please just pop in to ask for another copy.

Just a reminder that homework is given out every 2 weeks, so children will be given a new piece of homework on Friday 13th October.

Year 2 Sheet 1

Year 2 Sheet 2

Year 2 Sheet 3

Year 3 Sheet 1

Year 3 Sheet 2

Year 3 Sheet 3

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: The Year 2 children have continued to revise capital letters and full stops this week. The Year 3 children began the week with an adverb activity where they had to make sure the adverb used in a sentence made sense and was in the correct place. We then all spent some time revising the different types of sentences – questions, commands, statements and exclamations and practised punctuating these correctly through playing games and doing some written work.

Maths: This week the Year 2 children have been revising their number bonds to 10 and 20. The Year 3 children have been finding 10 more and 10 less of a 3 digit number. We have all been learning about the equals sign and how it means ‘the same as’ and therefore can be placed in different places in a number sentence and not just at the end – e.g. 20 = 15 + 5 or 19 + 1 = 10 + 10.

Science: The children did some brilliant work this week on describing why a material was suitable for a given purpose. They were using some good adjectives to describe the properties of the different materials.

History: We have started to learn about Christopher Columbus. We learned some facts about his life and then the children spent some time in partners on the BBC Primary History website looking at pictures and playing games linked to Columbus.

RE: We spent some time doing some work on peace in order to prepare for a whole school display. We talked about what peace is, what it means to us and how we can bring it in our everyday lives.

Computing: The children have continued to develop their word processing skills this week by learning how to insert text boxes and images.

French: We have continued our work on greetings with the children learning how to say ‘How are you?’ and how to respond.

PE: The children have continued with their dance and games lessons.

Well done for another hard working week Class 3! Enjoy your weekend!

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have been focusing on SPAG this week.

The Year 2 children have revised capital letters and full stops, remembering to only include them in the middle of a sentence when it is for the name of a person or place or ‘I’.

The Year 3 children have continued to focus on adverbs. They have expanded their vocabulary by finding adverbs which mean the same thing. They have practised using these within their sentences.

We ended the week with an independent writing activity where the children had to imagine they were Carl from the film ‘Up’, looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. They wrote a job advert for an explorer linked to this.

Maths: We have continued our work on place value with the Year 2 children working with two digit numbers and the Year 3 children working with three digit numbers. We have been comparing numbers when they are represented in different ways using the greater than, less than and equals symbols. We have also practised putting numbers in order from smallest to largest/largest to smallest and have completed some problem solving activities.

Science: This week we went on a walk around Bicton Village to see how materials are being used in everyday life – see earlier post in week for photos.

History: We have continued to learn about some famous explorers and have identified on a world map some of the places they have visited.

Computing: The children have continued to develop their word processing skills and have learned how to underline their text and put it in bold and italics. They have also learned how to move their text to different areas of the page.

RE: We have learned about the 5 pillars of Islam this week.

PE: Children have continued their dance and games lessons this week.

French: We have continued our work on greetings. The children have been practising how to ask and tell someone their name.

Well done Class 3 for working hard this week! Have a lovely weekend!

Class 3 walk around Bicton Village

Yesterday, as part of our science work, we went for a walk around Bicton village to look for  different types of materials and how they are being used in everyday life.

Class 3 Homework

This week the children have been set some homework relating to work we have done in class.

There are different activities within each year group, if your child looses their homework and you are unsure which activity they were given, please just pop in and ask.

You are more than welcome to support your child with their homework. If you do, please could you write a note on it stating that you did so.

Year 2 – The children have some homework relating to expanded noun phrases. They have been learning how to put two adjectives before a noun and using a comma to separate them, e.g. The cute, fluffy rabbit.

Some of the Year 2’s have been given a capital letter sheet also in order to revise using capital letters at the start of their sentences.

Activity 1: yr2grp1

Activity 2: y2grp2

Year 3  – The children have been given some homework on adverbs where they are identifying them and practising using them in sentences.

Activity 1: yr3grp1

Activity 2: yr3grp2

Activity 3: yr3grp3