
Dear Parents/Carers,

I have sent home a copy of our school handwriting patter which we follow in class. This is so that you can help your child to form their letters properly and reinforce how we teach them at school – this will particularly help them with their spelling homework (please see the front of their spelling books for a note about this).

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the Year 2’s have been focusing on command sentences. They have learned that these are sentences which tell someone to do something. We have practised saying these, spotting them and writing them.

The Year 3’s have been practising using inverted commas in their writing this week. They have also been thinking about other words they can use for said and applying these to their writing.

Towards the end of the week we started to learn about the coordinating conjunctions ‘and’ ‘but’ and ‘or’ and practised applying these to sentences to join them together.

Maths: The children have continued their work on multiplication this week. The Year 2 children have been practising making arrays with counters, matching pictures of arrays to a written multiplication sum and have begun to draw their own arrays to represent a multiplication problem.

The Year 3 children have revised work on arrays and have begun to apply this to solving different worded problems. They have also been given a wider variety of problem solving activities where they have been expected to explain their answers. We have just moved on today to learning about related multiplication and division facts.

Science/Art: This week we have been learning about waterproof materials through our art work. We have just started the art work this week and will finish it off next week – the children have used wax crayons to create a picture of space and next week they will see what happens when we do the background with watered down paint and cover the whole picture with it…!

RE: We have been revising our understanding of the Christmas Story this week and the children have been reminded of the parts of the story where Joseph has a dream and the part where the wise men come. The children role played the various parts and the rest of the class had to guess the part of the story they were acting out.

History: The children have been learning about Neil Armstrong this week – they have been finding out about his life and learning about why he is famous. This will help us with some very exciting English work next week….

PE: The children have continued with their games lessons this week.

PSHE: The children have been thinking about what makes a good friend.

Well done for working hard this week Class 3!




Class 3 Spellings – to be tested on Friday 10th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

There is a note in the front of every child’s spelling book regarding spelling practise from now on. Please ensure you read this and if there are any questions please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt



Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued our work on traditional tales this week. The Year 2 children have been using this to help them learn about command sentences and the Year 3 children have been using this to help them learn about how to use inverted commas correctly.

Maths: We have been learning about multiplication this week and have done some work on arrays. We read a story called ‘365 penguins’ and used this to inspire us to organise the penguins into rows (arrays). We have practised drawing arrays and matching them to a multiplication sentence.

RE: We have finished our work on Islam by thinking about Ramadan and Eid as well as celebrations we enjoy celebrating. We have thought about how these are similar/different to the Christian celebrations.

We also had a lovely lesson on the Christmas story which the Year 5/6 children lead for us – this was in preparation for next terms topic.

PE: The children have continued their games lesson this week.

We have also spent lots of time this week preparing for our Celebration Assembly! I just want to say a very big well done to all the children in Class 3 for working so hard and performing so well!

Have a lovely half term everyone.



Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 3rd November

The children have been set some homework linking to our work on multiplication. Feel free to support them with their homework but please could you make a note on their homework if you have done so.

year 2 1

y2 2

year 3 1

year 3 2

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have begun some work on Traditional Tales this week. The children have read a story called ‘Use your Imagination’ and then worked in small groups to create a possible ending for it. They then told their ending to the rest of the class using expression and sound effects. We have also spent some time researching different fairytales and finding out which characters are often the heroes and which are often the villains. We then did some descriptive writing relating to this.

Maths: The children have continued working on addition and subtraction. Year 2 children have been adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers and tens and Year 3 children have been adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers and tens and hundreds. They have used apparatus, images and mental working to do this.

Science: The children did an investigation this week to find out about waterproof materials. They then recorded their findings as a diagram.

History: The children have been learning about the history of space exploration this week and have created a timeline showing what they found out.

RE: We have learned about the festival of Ramadan this week and the children used their ICT skills to create a poster.

Homework: Please note that children have not been set any homework this week but will be given some next Friday to complete over half term. 

Class 3 Spellings – to be tested on Friday 20th October

Some of the Year 2 children have spellings with ‘ge’ and ‘dge’. They have been learning that words with a long vowel sound are spelt with ‘ge’ and words with a short vowel sound are spelt with ‘dge’. It would be helpful to remind them of this when they are practising their spellings.

Year 3 children have got homophones for their spellings this week. It is important that the children know which spelling to use for which meaning, therefore it may help to encourage your child to put their spellings into sentences when practising them.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask.

13.10.17 actual