Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We began the week by doing some creative writing linked to our History work on the explorer Robert Falcon Scott. The children wrote a diary in character as Scott, describing their expedition to the South Pole. We have also spent some time this week learning about how to use subordinate conjunctions in our sentences – because, when, if. The Year 2 children have been practising using these in the middle of their sentences whereas the Year 3 children have been challenged to use them at the start of their sentence to create different openers.

Maths: We have done some revision and practise of multiplication this week, the Year 2’s have been focusing on their 2,  5 and 10 times tables whereas the Year 3’s have been focusing on their 3 and 4 times tables. We have also started a new unit of work on fractions. The children have begun by identifying the ‘whole’ and ‘part of a whole’ in lots of different scenarios including within shapes. They have been learning how fractions relate to dividing equally and have been identifying equal and unequal fractions within shapes.

History: We have continued to learn about Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition to the South Pole.

RE: We have been thinking about what our impressions of a King are – what they wear, where they live and how they behave and have been learning how Christians believe Jesus is the King and how this is different from what our impressions are.

PE: The children have continued their games lessons this week.

This week we have also begun rehearsals for our Christmas Concert!

Well done Class 3 for another great week – keep it up!

Class 3 PE

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is just a reminder to let you know that the children have PE on a Thursday and Friday so they will need a full kit, including trainers in school on these days.

On a Friday the children have football so need to make sure they bring trainers which are okay to get muddy and also a plastic bag to put them in afterwards. Football boots are allowed.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the children have done some creative writing, imagining what it would be like to return home after a long mission in space. All the children were focusing on using descriptive language and conjunctions in their work. The Year 3 children have also continued their learning on paragraphs this week and the Year 2 children have continued their work on conjunctions.

Maths: We have been learning about division this week in Class 3. The children have been solving a variety of different problems using equipment and pictures to help them and some of the Year 3’s have been challenge to use their times table knowledge to help them.

History: This week we have learned about Robert Falcon Scott and his expedition to the South Pole.

Art: The children have been doing some lovely art work on planets again this week.

RE: We have been thinking about how Christian’s remember the nativity story in their own celebrations and have looked at a number of different Christmas Carols and have been looking for parts where they mention the nativity story.

PE: The children have continued their games lessons this week.

Well done Class 3 for another hard working week!

Class 3 NSPCC PE Lesson

Class 3 completed their NSPCC challenge this week. They decided on their own circuit to complete during a PE lesson  – this consisted of ladders, catching, step ups, dribbling a ball etc. They had to make sure they had completed the entire circuit in order to have achieved the challenge. They all did very well! Please can you help your child to collect their sponsorship money and bring it into school next week. Thank you.

Class 3 Weekly News

English: We started off the week with some creative writing where the children were imagining they were astronauts travelling into space. We spent some time watching video clips and discussing what it would be like to go to space, ensuring we were using lots of powerful description to explain our experience. We then spent some time improving our work by choosing a sentence we thought we could edit and improve to sound even better.

For the rest of the week the Year 3 children have been learning what paragraphs are and the Year 2 children have been practising using the conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’ and ‘so’.

Maths: We have continued our work on multiplication and division.

The Year 2 children have been learning how multiplication is commutative, so when you see an array that is 2 x 4 you can also see 4 x 2. We have spent some time recognising this within pictures and practising writing the sums to show what we can see.

The Year 3 children have been learning about multiplication and the related division facts. They have used arrays to help them find these and then towards the end of the week they have been challenged to use their times table knowledge to help them and therefore work mentally.

Science/Art: The children have really enjoyed carrying out our investigation which we started last week. The children completed their wax crayon drawings and this week were told to cover the whole thing with watered down paint to see what happened. They were good at explaining how ‘the wax is waterproof so acts as a barrier to the watered down paint, making it sit on top instead of sinking in. ‘

History: The children were given a scenario to imagine they were explorers going on an expedition. They had to choose the items they would take with them and explain why they had chosen them. This will link into next week’s work on looking at the expeditions of Columbus and Armstrong.

RE: The children have continued with our incarnation unit and have been deepening their understanding of the different characters within the story, the part they played and why they are important.

PE: The children completed their NSPCC challenge this week (photos to follow) and had a football lesson too. Please can children ensure they are collecting sponsorship over the weekend. Thank you!

Well done for another great week Class 3!