Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 2nd February

Year 2: The Year 2 children have been set pages 32 and 33 in their maths reasoning booklet linking to our recent work on money.

Year 3: The Year 3 children have been set revision on the column method for addition. They will have come home with a paper copy of their activity but if your child has lost their copy and you are unsure which one they need from the list below, please do not hesitate to pop in and ask.

y3 add1

y3 add2

y3 add3

Class 3 Spellings – to be tested on Friday 2nd February

Below are the children’s spellings for this week. I have been on a course today and I’m aware spelling books haven’t been sent out – apologies for this, they will be sent out on Monday. Please refer to the list below over the weekend. Thank you.



Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued to use the book ‘Tuesday’ to inspire our writing and have been focusing on recounts this week. The children have been finding out about the features of a recount and have been writing some of their own in the form of a police report.

The Year 2 children have been practising their handwriting, spelling and punctuation in some focused sessions and the year 3 children have been learning about writing in different tenses.

Maths: We have been working with money this week which the children have really enjoyed and have been really good at! We have been identifying coins and notes, adding combinations of coins and notes and been finding different ways to make an amount of money.

Science: We has a visit from Mr Burston this week to help us learn about our bones and muscles. Please see below post for photographs!

RE: The children have been learning about how and why Christians pray.

Geography: The children have spent some time exploring landmarks in London through Google Earth this week.

Well done Class 3 for working hard this week!

We have also welcomed two student teachers from Chester University to our class – Miss McCormick and Miss Roberts – they have sent home a letter introducing themselves.

Google Earth

As part of our geography lesson today, the children were introduced to Google Earth. They were very excited to find out that you can use it to go anywhere you want to in the world and we had a great time exploring some famous landmarks in London. Please feel free to encourage your child to keep exploring Google Earth at home if this is possible. Some other ideas of places the children could find which link to our UK topic could be the other capital cities of the UK or any other cities the children know of or have heard about.

It was lovely to see the children so enthusiastic about their geography learning today!

Class 3 Science Lesson

Class 3 had a visit from Mr Burston today who came in to help us learn all about our bones and muscles. We had great fun meeting Brian the skeleton and watching two of the children being put in casts!

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: The children have continued their work on the book  ‘Tuesday’ and took part in some role play this week – they worked in partners with one being a police officer investigating what has happened and the other being a witness to the chaos the frogs have been causing!

The children have also continued working on their grammar with the Year 2’s revising areas already covered this year and the Year 3’s learning about the past and present tense.

Maths: The children have continued their work on subtraction this week. They have been demonstrating their understanding through using equipment, representing problems in images and working mentally. They have also spent some time applying their knowledge to problems.

Science: The children have been learning about skeletons this week and have been sorting animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.

PE: The children have continued with their fitness and gym lessons this week.

RE: The children have been introduced to our new topic ‘The Gospel – What is the good news Jesus brings?’ They spent some time learning how Christians believe the good news is being loved by God.

Computing: The children have continued to develop their programming skills through using the programme ‘Scratch’.

Art: The children have begun work on their new topic of landscapes and cityscapes this week and have done some painting for their first lesson.

French: The children were practising the numbers 1-10 this week.

Well done Class 3 for working hard this week!

Class 3 English Lesson

Something very strange happened in our class this morning….when we came back from playtime, there were lily pads, puddles of water and a frog in our class room! The children became detectives trying to find out what had happened. They worked really hard to come up with open ended questions to ask the witnesses. We then found another clue….it was the storybook ‘Tuesday’. We looked at it together and came up with possible answers about what could’ve happened in our class today.

This was the introduction to our new English unit of work on the book Tuesday which we will be continuing for the next few weeks, starting with recount writing.