World Book Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have asked the children to bring in one of their favourite books from home on Thursday for World Book Day so that we can spend some time talking about them as a class.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt


Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued our work on Newspapers this week. The children have enjoyed reading newspapers linked to well known fairy tales. We then did a guided write where I guided the children through writing their own newspaper and the children have ended the week having a go at writing their own independently. We have focused on the features of a newspaper as well as conjunctions, sentence openers, inverted commas and as always, we have had a big focus on handwriting, spelling and punctuation (Year 3 parents, these are all features which you could encourage your child to use in their homework this week).

Maths: We have been telling the time this week. The children have made their own clocks in school to help them with this. We have been practising o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times as well as telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We ended the week learning about some time vocabulary such as midday, noon, afternoon, midnight etc.

Science: In science this week we have been learning about nutrients – what they are and why they are important to humans.

Geography: We did our geography lesson through PE this week where we played games using the eight compass points.

Art: After having a practice last week, the children have painted their own version of Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’ – these are all up on display outside Class 3. The children are very proud of their work so please do feel free to pop in and take a look.

Computing: The children have continued their work on the programme ‘Scratch’ learning how to change the sprite (the character they are playing with) on the programme this week.

Class 3 have worked very hard this half term and should be very proud of themselves. I hope you all have a lovely half term!

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 2nd March

Year 2: Please can the Year 2 children complete pages 2-3 and page 30 of their Grammar work book and pages 35 – 37 of their Maths Reasoning work book.

Year 3: Lots of the children enjoyed last weeks homework so I’ve decided to set a similar writing task again where the children need to finish the story. Please see attached.


All homework is due in on Friday 2nd March.

Just to let you know that we are currently doing work on telling the time in maths, any support and help you can give to the children at home with practising to tell the time is very much appreciated.

Thank you and have a lovely half term.


Please can the Year 2 children complete pages 2 and 3 of their Reading Practice book and page 8 of their Arithmetic Practice book.

Just a reminder that the Year 3 writing homework is due in on Wednesday of next week.

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have been looking at the features of Newspapers this week, spotting features such as headlines, images, captions, past tense verbs and third person language.

The Year 2 children have continued with their Read, Write, Inc work and have done some writing linked to the stories they have been reading.

The Year 3 children have also been learning about quotes within newspaper articles and have role played creating their own and been learning how to correctly punctuate speech.


The Year 2 children have been going over addition this week. They have been using the greater than, less than and equals symbols to compare number sentences. They have also been learning how to use known number facts to work out other addition sentences – e.g. If I know that 5 + 3 = 8 I also know that 15 + 3 = 18.

The Year 3 children have been learning about position and direction this week. They have been learning about right angles and have been identifying these within a variety of different shapes and spotting angles which are more or less than a right angle. They have also been learning about quarter, half and three quarter turns as well as clockwise and anti-clockwise turns (see photos in below post).

Science: This week the children have been learning how muscles work in pairs. Their science lesson was linked to PE where they had to predict and identify which muscles would be used in a number of different exercises.

Geography: The children have been using an atlas to identify rivers in the UK. They have also been identifying the sea in which each river flows into.

Art: The children have been learning about Van Gogh this week and have created their own work inspired by his painting ‘Starry Night’.

Year 3 Maths Lesson

This morning the Year 3’s had great fun learning about position and direction in their math lesson. They have been practising using the language clockwise, anti-clockwise, quarter turn, half turn and three quarter turn by giving instructions to guide people through a maze.

Class 3 Homework

Year 2: The Year 2 children have been asked to complete pages 12, 13 and 14 from their Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling workbook.

This is due in on Friday 9th February.

Year 3: As the Year 2  children are being set weekly homework to work towards their assessments, the Year 3 children will also be set extra homework. Due to the type of activities they will be given, I am allowing them longer to complete their homework so the due in date for their homework set today is Wednesday 14th February.

The children have been given a story opener and have been asked to finish it. They need to focus on neat handwriting, spelling, capital letters and punctuation as well as other grammatical features they have learned such as inverted commas, conjunctions and different sentence openers.

y3 writing

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the children have continued working on recounts through our Class book ‘Tuesday’. The children have continued to focus on key features of a recount, such as time connectives and conjunctions and have applied these to writing a diary and recounting Mr Burston’s visit to class last week.

Maths: The children have continued their work on money this week. They have been working out how to find the difference between different amounts of money and have been learning about giving change. The children have been using the number line method for this and have been counting up.

Science: The children have had a brilliant time building skeletons this week and then playing a game in the hall to label the bones with both the common and scientific names.

Geography: The children have been learning how to use an atlas this week and have been learning how to find and locate cities of the UK.

RE: The children have continued to learn about prayer and being thankful. They have written thank you cards as part of this.