Afternoon Tea

On behalf of all the children and staff, we would like to say a big thank you to those of you who were able to join us for afternoon tea. We had a lovely time enjoying scones and singing!

Year 2 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Year 2’s have been asked to complete pages 38 and 39 in their SAT Buster Maths Reasoning book this week.

Please could this be handed in on Monday 26th March so that I can set the children further work for over Easter before I leave for Condover on Tuesday 27th March.

There were a few children who didn’t have their book in school, we have had a good look for it but would appreciate it if you could look at home also.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt

Year 3 Homework

The Year 3’s have been set some maths homework this week to reinforce recent work in class.




This homework is due in on Friday 23rd March.

The Year 2 children will be receiving homework from their SATS Booster books on Monday.


Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the children have been doing English through their Geography work by creating a holiday brochure for a destination in the UK. The children began the week by researching a particular type of UK holiday – city break, scenic holiday, seaside holiday etc and they had to find out a place in the UK to suit this type of holiday, find out whereabouts in the UK it is, how you can get there and what you can do there. After researching we had a go at coming up with our own whole class holiday brochure before the children began writing their own. The Year 2 children have been focusing on using neat handwriting, using capital letters in the right places, making sure their spelling is correct and using questions and conjunctions in their sentences. The Year 3 children have been focusing on these things as well as trying to use powerful adjectives, prepositions and different sentence openers in their work.

Some children have been completing the Read, Write, Inc programme this week and have done some fantastic reading and writing relating to a pirate named Black Hat Bob. They have focused on their handwriting, spelling, capital letters and punctuation as well as using adjectives and conjunctions.

Maths: We have continued our work on shape this week but have moved onto 3D shape. We have spent time exploring the names and properties of different 3D shapes – discussing the number of faces, the shapes of faces, the number of vertices, number of edges and the Year 3 children have also been learning how to identify if a shape is a prism. The children had great fun using modelling equipment to create their own 3D shapes and finding different ways of sorting the shapes according to their own criteria.

Science: The children have continued their work on forces and have been identifying the types of forces at work within different types of sport.

D&T: The children have decided on their final design for their scones and are very excited about making them next week!

RE: We have continued thinking about the Easter story and what this means to Christians.

PSHE: We have spent some time discussing friendships in PSHE this week, thinking carefully about how we should behave in different situations which we may find difficult.

Thank you for returning the slips to let us know who will be attending our British Afternoon Tea on Thursday 22nd March. If you still need to hand yours in please could you do so by Monday 19th March. Just to make it clear, the offer is open to any two family members  so Nannies, Grandpas, Aunties, Uncles etc are very welcome. We look forward to seeing you there! 

British Afternoon Tea

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children from Class 3 should come home with a letter inviting you to a British Afternoon Tea next Thursday 22nd March.

Please see the letter attached below with the reply slip.

Class 3 Afternoon Tea Letter


Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week we have been learning how to write a set of instructions. We started the week by reading some instructions and finding the different features and then we wrote a whole class set of instructions. The children also had a go at independently writing their own instructions for a marvellous medicine. The Year 2 children focused on using imperative verbs, adverbs and expanded noun phrases in their work. The Year 3 children focused on using imperative verbs, prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs of time and manner.

Maths: We have been learning about 2D shape this week. We have been identifying their properties – focusing on the number of sides, types of sides (straight or curved, equal) and number of vertices. We have also done some work on lines of symmetry. They Year 3 children have been challenged to identify parallel lines and perpendicular lines within a shape.

Science: The children carried out their investigation this week to see which surface the toy car would move on the quickest. They recorded their results and wrote a conclusion.

Geography: The children have been identifying mountains and hills within the UK.

D&T: The children tasted some different toppings for their scones in order to help them make decisions about their own scone they will eventually make.

RE: We have gone over the Easter story this week and have re-told it ourselves, thinking about how the different parts make us feel.

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week we have started to read the book  ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ which the children are really enjoying. We have got up to the part where George starts to make his medicine and sings a little chant as he does so. We have used this as inspiration for our own poems this week.. We have written a whole class poem and the children have had a go at writing their own including language features such as rhyming words, alliteration and onomatopoeia’s.

Maths: We have continued with our work on time this week.

The Year 2 children have continued learning how to read an analogue clock and have been learning about time intervals, thinking about how long different activities take and solving word problems where they have had to calculate how long an activity takes.

The Year 3 children have been learning about digital time and how to convert digital clocks to analogue clocks. They have also been applying their knowledge to help them solve problems involving calculating time intervals.

Science: We have moved onto a new unit of work on forces and magnets. The children have begun to plan an investigation which they will carry out next week.

Geography: This week we have been learning about counties and have been finding out about different counties in England.

D&T: We have started our D&T project by tasting and analysing different types of scones.

PE: This week the children had to use their previous learning from both PE and Science to design and make a variety of activities to work different muscles within the body.

Well done Class 3 for working so hard this week!