Maths Morning at The Corbet

A small group of Year 2 children enjoyed a morning of maths activities at The Corbet School.


Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 6th July

Year 2 – The year 2 children have been asked to complete pages 27 – 28 of their maths arithmetic booster book which they were given back today.

Year 3 – The Year 3 children have been set some homework relating to division. Please see copies below.

y3 div hw1

y3 div hw2

y3 div hw3

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: The children created their own persuasive poster advertising their chocolate bar for Willy Wonka this week. They used lots of persuasive features such as a slogan, exaggerated adjectives and personalised language. They also wrote a recount of our class trip to Chester.

Maths: We have been revising addition this week. The Year 2 children have been solving puzzles using their mental addition skills and the Year 3’s have been going over the column method for addition. We have also been practising our times tables and have done an arithmetic test.

History: The children spent some time researching what life was like in Britain before the Roman’s invaded – finding out about how the Celts lived, what they wore, what they ate etc.

PE: The children have continued to enjoy their swimming and tennis lessons this week. They Year 2 children have been learning how to play bench ball. Please note, that the last swimming lesson for the Year 3’s is next week. 

Other highlights of this week include sports day and our Class trip to Chester!

Have a great weekend!

Class 3 Trip to the Roman Dewa Museum

We had a great time on our Roman Soldier Patrol and exploring the museum!

Videos: Bicton Choir at Concord College Choir Competition

Our choir did an amazing job at entertaining the audience at Concord College yesterday.

Every school were given the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams to perform and in addition to that we were allowed to choose an additional song from within the theme of ‘Pop songs’

We chose the pop song ‘Reach’ by S Club 7 which the choir performed extremely well.  We received lots of praise from the judge who loved the happiness of our choir and the high standard of their performance. He said that he had found it very difficult to choose between us and the winning choir (who’s pop song choice was ‘Sing’ from the Military Wives choir at the Commonwealth Games, which sounded fantastic!). Many parents and teachers from the audience commended our choir’s performance at the end which certainly made us all feel like winners!

Here are the videos of our performances



Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued learning about persuasive writing this week. The children have been learning how to write exaggerated sentences with powerful adjectives and have been planning their own advert for their chocolate bar design for Willy Wonka’s factory.

Maths: We have continued our work on division this week. The Year 2 children have been dividing by 5 and 10 and have been working mentally to solve a variety of different reasoning problems. The Year 3 children have been learning the bus stop method with remainders and carrying.

Science: The children have been learning about the good and bad things about the sun and how we can protect ourselves from its dangers. They created a poster explaining this.

History: We have done some role play about what it was like for the Celts when the Romans invaded Britain and we then wrote a diary as a Celt explaining what happened and how we felt.

Art: We have started to make the side pieces for our helmet and will attach and paint these next week.

PE: We have continued with our tennis and swimming lessons this week as well as practising for sports day.

Well done Class 3 for another great week!

Concord Choir Competition

I would just like to say a very big WELL DONE to the children who took part in the Concord College Choir Competition today. They made us all very proud and had fantastic comments from the judges, parents and the other schools participating.

I would also like to say a very big THANK YOU to Mr Williams who has been fantastic at helping to prepare the children for this competition.

Keep a look out on the school choir page for the videos from today!