Mr Harris’ and Miss Robinson’s group – gorge walking

This group walked up the gorge rather than down to the sea and you can clearly see how well they dealt with the challenges and what a great time they had!

Years 3 and 4 Swimming – Starts Friday 26th April.

Just a reminder that Swimming for Year 3 and 4 starts next week on Friday 26th April –  we need to leave promptly at 8.55am.
Please can you complete the permission form and payment on sQuid at the same time.
As mentioned, due to budget constraints, we need to request a contribution of £6.00 per session – £30 in total.  We can only afford to take children swimming through your voluntary contributions and we are heavily subsidising the costs.   Swimming is part of the National Curriculum and we do encourage all children to take part.
All payments/permission forms need to be made by Thursday 25th at the latest.


Worship Committee Visit to Montford Church

Our Worship Committee spent a wonderful morning at Montford Church, exploring inside and outside the church.  They viewed the beautiful diorama, created thier own artwork and even learnt to play the handbells. Click the link below to see how quickly they picked it up – this was filmed just 10 minutes after they were introduced to the handbells!

Worship Committee 08.12.23

We are hoping this group of children will be able to come along to the Bicton Church Carol Service on Sunday 17th to play for the community. 

Thank you to Reverend Hannah, Andrina, Tricia and Janet for such a lovely morning 🙂

Arthog Visit 2024

Just a reminder of the message sent out for current Year 4 and 5 pupils regarding our visit to Arthog in June 2024 – please complete the online form below,if you haven’t already done so.

Thank you for all the responses received so far!

Arthog visit June 2024

Year 5/6 swimming

Year 5 and 6 will have a double swimming session at Oswestry Leisure Centre on Friday 14th July, to make up for the session they missed on Friday 7th.

Mr Andrews’ and Mrs Mavin’s group – kayaking and gorge walking