We’ve been looking at writing letters for a ‘real’ purpose and children were given the task of writing a letter of complaint about a meal that they were not happy with. We discussed the type of things that might have been ‘wrong’ e.g. food under/overcooked, long waiting times, dirty crockery, ovecharging, etc. You would not believe the stories I have heard about some of your experiences when eating out!
Later in the week, children were given another child’s letter to reply to, in role as the manager of an establishment; they needed to make sure that they replied to the specific complaints and, again, we discussed the type of comments/ token of apology which may have been offered.
We’ve had an extremely busy week in maths revisiting and extending a range of topics including: using the vocabulary of parallel and perpendicular when reflecting shapes in all four axes, estimating and measuring length, reading unmarked divisions on scales and using the vocabulary of probability to discuss the chance of something happening. We also looked at area and perimeter which we will be continuing with next week.
Evaporation and condensation are the main areas which we are focusing on at the moment and we will be using our knowledge of these processes to plan and carry out group investigations over the next couple of weeks.
Other activities…
Year 5s presented their half-term homework on persuading tourists to visit a location or attraction in Brazil; they are currently researching the Amazonian city of Manaus with a view to comparing it to different aspects of Shrewsbury. In R.E., we have continued with our work on global citizenship and started to look at the work of different religious and aid organisations around the world. In P.E. we have revisited indoor games and enjoyed playing competitive team games with what appears to be an emphasis on competitive!
Year 6 SATs preparation
Thank you for your support in helping your child/children with their homework tasks, to help prepare for SATs. I have stressed the need for them to talk to me if there is anything we have covered that they are unsure about or anything which they would like to go over again. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to speak to me or write a note or comment on their homework.
Mrs Natalie Johnson