Brass Extravaganza

Well done to the Year 5 and 6 children who took part in this year’s Brass Extravaganza at Theatre Severn.

Judging by the amount of foot-tapping, they seemed to really enjoy both performing and listening to the other bands play!

Unfortunately the Music Service failed to tell us beforehand that photography was not allowed this year so we only have a couple of photos which were taken during rehearsals.

Thank you to everyone who came to watch – we hope you enjoyed the performance as much as we did!

Mrs Johnson & Mrs Roberts







Kingswood: Mrs Johnson’s group – problem solving

As if the challenges weren’t hard enough already, somebody had their wellies on the wrong feet!

Kingswood: Mrs Johnson’s group – kayaking

With the sun shining gloriously after we’d eaten lunch, there was no need for waterproofs out on the pool.  For most of the group, the only thing on their mind was how soon could they capsize and not surprisingly it wasn’t long before we had the first rescue on our hands!



Class 5 Visit to the Natural History Museum, London

Thank you for the fantastic response to our London trip.

If you have asked us to reserve a seat for you, please could money for parents’ seats be sent in tomorrow as there are only a few seats for parents left.

Thanks for your continued support.

Natalie Johnson


Year 6s’ Science Day

I will be sending a letter out for Year 6  children on Friday, earlier than originally planned, as The Corbet School have already asked us for numbers of children who would like to purchase a lunch. Please could the permission slips be returned as early as possible next week.

Many thanks.

Mrs Johnson

A little stroll with Photoclub

In the lovely weather we have tried to get out and about with the cameras.  The kids have enjoyed the sunshine and are getting quite opinionated about what sorts of photos they like to take – it is lovely to see their skills and confidence growing!

Kingswood: Mr Davies’ group bouldering and kayaking

Oliver took a few photos of Mr Davies’ group in action, in his official role as group photographer.

Kingswood: Mrs Johnson’s group-giant zipwire

Our second activity on Saturday morning was the much-awaited giant zipwire and almost without exception we all wanted to do it again!  Unfortunately there was nobody from Bicton to see us fly past so only a few photos of this group.


Kingswood: Mrs Johnson’s group – bouldering

Our first activity on Saturday morning was bouldering which was more challenging than it first looked. After a quick World Cup-themed warm up game, we split into pairs with a climber and a ‘watcher’ and tackled the different walls.

Kingswood: Saturday morning

We woke to find the sun shining and the children bright and bubbly, thanks to a surprisingly good night’s sleep!