Medal Winners 11.09.15

Congratulations to this week’s medal winners!


Sewing Club

Sewing club finished making their crafty dolls this week.  They did a great job, well done sewing club!!  Hope you all have a great summer!!

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Year 6 Leavers!

Class 5 – ‘Goodbye Mr Davies’ Assembly

Carding Mill Valley

Photos from our Carding Mill Valley trip.



Mrs Johnson’s Welly

A surprising moment during Class 5’s trip to Carding Mill Valley today when water started leaking out of Mrs Johnson’s welly!

Arthog gorge walking – Mrs Johnson’s group

Class 5 Half-term homework

Following on from our work on biographical writing, you will be pleased to know that you will be writing your autobiography when we come back to school; we know how keen many of you were to talk about your own life!

Use what you learnt when writing a biography, to make your writing interesting, by including memorable events, as well as including general information about your family, hobbies, pets, places you have lived, etc.  You can use the ideas below to help you make notes but you don’t need to write your autobiography in full, as we will be doing this in literacy lessons in school.


Date and place of birth


Home e.g. where you live now or have lived previously




Education – you might want to include nursery or any other schools you might have attended






Main achievements


Memorable incidents or events


Hopes and ambitions – what you would like to do in the future