Year 5 Forest School

Yesterday morning was a lovely first session at Forest School for year 5 children. Mrs Law and I were so impressed with how creative the children were with making dens, bug hotels and hedgehog homes. Here are some photos of our morning…

Class 5 Weekly Update

We have had a brilliant first week back in Class 5.  The children have all settled back into school very quickly, and have been impressing Mrs J and I with their brilliant attitude to their learning.


We have started our new novel study of Macbeth.  We analysed a description of Macbeth and thought about what sort of person he must be.  We then retold the story of the battle between Norway and Scotland, showing Macbeth as the main character.


We have been working with numbers up to 1 million (Year 5) and 10 million (Year 6) this week.  We have been consolidating our knowledge of place value, reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers represented in different ways.  We have also been applying our reasoning skills to solving problems involving place value.


We started our new topic of Ancient Egypt this week.  We placed Ancient Egypt onto a timeline and talked about other eras that we knew and placed those as well.  The children then researched 6 major events that occurred during Ancient Egyptian times and placed them onto a timeline.


The children have enjoyed their first session with Mr Bebb this week, playing high-five netball.


Homework and spellings have gone home today.  The homework is a reading comprehension which I would like the children to complete independently.  This is due in by Wednesday but if the children are struggling then they can bring it back on Monday to go through with Mrs J or I before Wednesday.


Spellings are to be practised within the spelling book following the instructions on the sheet.  Children should then choose four of the spellings to write in exciting sentences on the next page of their book.  The spelling test will next Friday.

Novel study launch


We started the year with the launch of the novel we will be studying for the term; Macbeth.  To get the children in a competitive mood we had a quick fire quiz between Scotland and Norway, before moving to the hall to do some battlefield drama! This inspired the children to create some truly fantastic writing.

A great start to the term!

Class 5 Curriculum Letter

I have attached the Class 5 Curriculum letter which gives an overview of what we will be learning this term in each subject.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and see me before or after school.

Miss Carr

Class 5 Autumn Curriculum Letter

Year 6 Leavers Party – Bicton Village Hall – 19th July

Dear Year 6 Parents,

We would like to invite all Year 6 pupils to the Leavers Party at Bicton Village Hall on Wednesday 19th July straight after Frankie & Bennys.

There will be sweets, popcorn a disco and games and the bar will be open for the adults all for £4 per child.  If your child would like to attend please can money be left in Reception in an envelope with your child’s name.

We hope you can all join us for a drink and lots of fun!

Sharon, Marina & Barbie

Jack’s Group – Gorge Walking

Every group had an amazing time gorge walking but, whereas the other 3 groups climbed from the road down to the sea and back up, Jack’s group climbed up the gorge from the road to the top of the valley – this route is pretty challenging but, as you can see from the children’s faces, great fun!  On the final photo looking out over Cardigan Bay, you can see the minibus and where they started their journey!

Jack’s Group – Kayaking

On Saturday, Jack’s group spent a very sunny morning kayaking on the Dysynni Estuary.