Class 5 Tweets

We have introduced ‘Class Twitter’ into Class 5.  The children are encouraged to ‘tweet’ about something new they have learned, something new they have tried, their biggest success or questions they still have.

It has got off to a brilliant start with a great set of tweets to start the week!

Class 5 Homework.

Due back by Wednesday 11th October

Homework this week is based on our learning in Maths over the past fortnight; using long division for Year 6, and finding common factors for Year 5.

For long division, we have been using the formal written ‘chunking’ method.

An example can be found below:


Class 5 Weekly Update


In English we have concentrating on the use of formal and informal language. This week, the children wrote an extract from either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth, using formal language. They then drafted a newspaper article in which they are quoted from this extract. We looked at the features of newspaper articles, and how we could include these in our own articles.


In maths this week we have been revising finding factors of numbers. Year 5 have been finding common factors of numbers, and Year 6 have been problem solving and reasoning. We have also learned about prime and composite numbers by creating prime factor trees, and Year 5 have been learning the prime numbers below 20. Year 6 finished the week by learning about common multiples of numbers, and solving some tricky problems using their knowledge of factors and multiples. Some children also had a go at an online game; making a chain of factors and multiples. If they would like to have a go at home, the game can be found following this link:

Factors and Multiples Game



We continued our bread-making unit this week. The children had a brilliant time on Tuesday afternoon doing different bread related activities! They sifted different types of flour and thought about what kind of bread each flour would make, they tasted different bread rolls and described what they liked and disliked about them, they made and shaped salt dough bread roll designs to see which shapes were most successful, and they smelt a variety of spices that would have been available to the Ancient Egyptians to see which one they wanted in their own roll.


In R.E this week, we shared our ideas to describe the Muslim faith, based on all the knowledge they have gained so far this term. The children generated some fantastic ideas; generous, committed, faithful, peaceful, respectful and more. The children then created their own plan describing all the people and things that they were respectful of in their own lives.


In P.E the children worked in pairs to create a presentation using all the skills they have learned over the last few weeks which included moving symmetrically, counter balance, and counter tension. They have also continued invasion games with Mr Bebb on Friday afternoon.

This week in Forest School

This week the children had lots of fun looking for mini beasts. We used magnifying sheets to look closer at the bugs and identified the species using identification cards.

Last Week in Forest School

Apologies for no photos last week – year 5 children made ‘journey sticks’. They walked around the site and found things they found interesting and then attached them to their chosen stick with lengths of wool. Others chose to carry on making shelters, these are getting very impressive!

Open Door

Year 6 had a brilliant day at Shrewsbury Abbey.

They did lots of different activities; silk painting, mosaics, creating a stole, maths models and many more!


Class 5 Homework

Homework this week is based on our learning in English this week; using commas for clarity. The homework is to review how confident children are with the placement of commas in sentences. This will be due back by Wednesday 4th October.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English we have been creating a piece of writing based on an eyewitness account of somebody who saw the murder of King Duncan in our novel, Macbeth. At the beginning of the week we improvised a piece of drama based on what we thought had actually happened, and then we drafted, edited and improved our own account of the events of that night. We also focused on using commas for clarity in our writing.


In Year 6 this week, we have been learning the formal written methods of long division. We began the week dividing by using factors, and then moved onto long division without remainders, and then with remainders. We also had a go at solving problems using reasoning. Year 5 have had a week problem solving based on inverse operations, rounding, and multistep addition and subtraction problems. They have also been using reasoning to show how their answer has been reached.


This week we continued looking at the evolution and adaptation of plants and animals. The children worked in pairs to create an animal and a plant that were perfectly suited to their given environment. They had to describe the adaptations the creature and plant had made, and some were challenged to explain how their creature contributed to its own environment.


We began our bread-making unit this week. The children completed an in-class survey of different bread types that were used in everyone’s households, and what bread products were most commonly used for. They used the results to inspire a prototype shape design for their own bread roll. We will be testing which shapes will be the most successful next week when we do some salt dough baking.


In R.E this week, we completed our research on the five pillars of Islam. The children are now creating their own five pillars reflecting on those who support them in their everyday life.


In P.E this week, the children learned about counter balance and counter tension which they will be using to create routines next week.