Relationships and Sex Education – Years 4, 5 and 6

If you have not completed the online consent form for the Relationships and Sex Education sessions for Years 4, 5 and 6, a reminder will be sent out next week. We cannot start the sessions until we have recieved your consent.

Thank you if you have already completed the online form. If you would like to know more about the content being covered, the folders with all of the lesson plans are at the school office for you to look at. (Year 4 and 5 are covering the same content.)

Arthog update

We are really looking forward to our visit to Arthog next weekend and the weather forecast looks great!

If your child needs any medication during the visit, including travel sickness tablets for the return journey, we must have a medication consent form completed and returned. Ideally, we need the forms before Friday morning please, so that we can finalise our list of who will need medication while we are away.

Thank you to everyone who returned their forms this week.

We talked to children on Friday afternoon about what they will need in their rucksack for the beach, and stressed the need for them to help with packing, as well as answering any questions they had. If you or your child have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Year 6 Hoodies

Please can all orders for Year 6 hoodies be in by next Wednesday (24th May) so that Mrs Jones can place the order before we break up. Thank you

Arthog Reminder

Thank you for the the new bookings this week for our Year 5 / 6 visit to Arthog in June. Please see a reminder of the letter below, which was sent out last half term.

Arthog Parent Letter – January 2023

If you would like your child to attend, and you have not yet done so, we would be grateful if your could book their place on sQuid and pay a deposit.  Please note, we need to give Arthog our final numbers by Friday 5th May.

The gallery below gives you just a taste of the Arthog experience!

Oak Class Remote Learning 10.03.23

Good morning everyone,Remote learning is available for any children who are able to access it. We understand that some children may not have devices/may be otherwise occupied but it is there if required.All of these lessons are revising previous learning so if your child does not complete it, they will not have ‘missed’ anything on their return to school.English: Revising knowledge of word class Decimals and measures The story of Shiva and the Ganges also access Spelling Shed and TTRockstars to practise our weekly spellings and times tables.Have a lovely day,Mrs Mavin