Class 5 Spellings

The spelling test next week is going to be a recap of the spelling patterns from the Autumn term.  There will be one or two spellings chosen from each week, so your child will need to revise the spellings they have already learned so far in Class 5 in preparation for this test.

The test will take place on Friday 12th January.

Nativity and Christmas Concert Performances

Dear Parents/Carers,

The update on the Nativity and Christmas Concert performances is that we will be putting them on in January and we will let you know the dates as soon as they have been arranged. The children have worked hard to prepare for them and we would like to celebrate their hard work, even if it is after the Christmas celebrations. Thank you for your support .

Fire Service Carol Service

Please could the choir children who received a letter about the Fire Service Carol Service please ensure they bring their permission slips back tomorrow so we can confirm numbers.

Thank you.

Class 5 Weekly Update


This week we began our final piece of writing linked to our novel ‘Macbeth’. We read to the end of the story, and have begun planning and drafting our own version of the final chapter. So far, we have written the introduction and build up to the final battle scene. We have been thinking about the types of words and phrases we can use to extend our writing such as prepositional phrases, adverbial phrases, and expanded noun phrases, and the children are using some fantastic examples in their writing.

The children also wrote a review of the story, giving a story summary, their own opinions on the text and recommendations for readers.

Next week we are going to have an increased focus on spelling and punctuation, to ensure that this matches the excellent content.


We have now started looking at the link between fractions and decimals. We began the week by counting in decimal steps, and some children were able to find equivalent fractions and decimals. We then looked at the place value of decimal numbers, and some children began to look at how to convert fractions to decimals when the denominator isn’t a multiple of 10. We have finished the week by working on decimal multiplication (Year 6), and by ordering and comparing decimals based on their place value (Year 5).


In P.E this week the children took part in outdoor athletics with Mr Steed.

We have spent a lot of time rehearsing for the Christmas Concert this week. The children are very excited and are looking forward to showing everyone the result of their hard work!

Class 5 Homework

Year 5 – I have set a decimal place value activity for Year 5 this week. This is due back by Wednesday 6th December.

Year 6 – Just a reminder for Year 6 to bring back their maths SAT papers by Wednesday 6th December please.

Class 5 Homework

Year 5 – I would like Year 5 to complete a reading comprehension. This is in their books and I would like the answers to be written in full please. This is due back by Wednesday 29th November.

Year 6 – Year 6 are today taking home a copy of the 2017 Maths SAT papers that they have completed over the last fortnight. I would like the children to look at the problems they got wrong, and work with an adult to see where they have made errors. Please could these papers be returned inside the red folders by Wednesday 6th December.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we have been looking at persuasive writing. We looked at examples of persuasive letters and discussed the persuasive features we could see. We then ‘boxed up’ our own plan for a persuasive letter, before drafting and redrafting. We were writing in role as one of Macbeth’s supporters trying to persuade him to go into battle with Macduff’s army. We finished the week with a trip to the woods, where we re-enacted some of the battle scenes and camouflaged ourselves within the forest as Macduff’s soldiers do in the story.

We focused on our spelling of homophones and accurate punctuation this week. The children are getting really confident with using semi-colons and colons accurately in their writing.


We have continued our work on fractions this week. We have been finding fractions of numbers using bar modelling, and finding a starting number after being given what a fraction of the number is. Some children applied this to solving problems and reasoning. Year 5 have had a problem solving week, and have been trying different strategies to solve some really tricky problems.


In Science, we have been looking at the classification of living things. We watched a short video about Carl Linnaeus, and how he invented the classification system. The children did a really challenging activity where they had to sort groups of organisms into their similar features, e.g. by kingdom, phylum, class etc. They really enjoyed this and have created some interesting classification diagrams.


In R.E this week we continued our topic on Incarnation. The children discussed why God sent Jesus to the world, which prompted some brilliant discussion about what Jesus has done for us and God’s plans for us.


In P.E this week the children took part in indoor athletics with Miss Hall.

Happy Birthday Mrs J!

Mrs J is celebrating a very special birthday today! Some of the choir children from Class 5 surprised her in the staff room at lunchtime by singing ‘Celebration’ to her with some added extras of classic Mrs J lines! Happy Birthday Mrs J!