Sewing Club

Sewing club have been busy making a range of items after school each week.  They have extra help lately with Charlotte Voyce from the Corbet School, as part of her Duke of Edinburgh award.

Class 5 Homework

Year 6 children have each been given a grammar ‘SATs Buster’ workbook today. Homework this week is to complete pages 32 and 33 of the workbook, in preparation for our learning about different types of conjunctions next week.

Year 5 have been given a translation activity, where they are translating tricky shapes across a grid.

Homework is due back by Wednesday 24th January.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week we have been writing a newspaper article about the events that have happened on the planet of Phoenix. We started the week with some drama, considering the mood of the scene and the emotions the characters could have been feeling. We then drafted our newspaper articles, thinking carefully about which presentational devices we could use the guide the reader. We then redrafted our articles with improvements in place.


This week in Maths we have been revising position and direction. We have been finding coordinates of given points, in the first quadrant and then across 4 quadrants, and we have also been reflecting and translating shapes across 4 quadrants. Some children applied their learning to solving some challenging problems.


In Science this week we found out about the findings of Copernicus and Galileo. We decided which was the best scientist and justified our choices. We then researched further into the findings of our chosen scientist, in preparation for writing a persuasive argument to convince people that the findings accurate in the next session.


We began exploring databases this week using 2investigate on Purple Mash. We did a quick survey of popular websites used by members of the class, what they were used for, how and how often they were accessed, and the duration of each visit. Everyone then had a go at inputting the data onto the website and looking at the ways in which it could be grouped and organised. We will continue this next week.


Following on from analysing the parable of Matthew 7:24-27 last week, the class wrote their own understanding of the parable. They also considered what Jesus’ message was from this parable.


In PE this week, Class 5 enjoyed Quick Sticks with Mrs J and tennis with Mr Creffield.

Class 5 Homework

Year 6 have each been given a ‘SATs Buster’ workbook today. Homework this week is to complete pages 9 and 10 of the workbook, based on our learning on fractions, decimals and percentages.

Year 5 have been given a reading comprehension to complete on a text called ‘Excuses Excuses’.

Homework is due back by Wednesday 17th January.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we continued our new novel study ‘Phoenix’. We analysed the first two chapters of the story, and then we drafted a letter from the main character to his father. We discussed the features of a letter and made sure we used these in our writing. We then redrafted our letters with improvements in place, and made sure our writing sounded like a letter rather than a story.

We have also focussed on using accurate punctuation and cursive, joined handwriting this week.


This week in maths, we have consolidated our learning on percentages. We have completed a range of problem solving activities and investigations, and have done some ‘backwards’ number problems, e.g. if 7 is 20% of a number, what was the starting number? The children have done brilliantly with this and have been using fantastic reasoning to show their working out and prove how their answers are accurate.


We began our new Science topic this week, ‘Earth and Space’. Firstly the children shared what they already knew, and then thought of key questions they would like to find out the answers to over the topic. We then found out about why people used to believe that they Earth was flat, and how it has been proved to be spherical. We also investigated the relative sizes of the Sun, Earth and moon, and then children represented these sizes on a smaller scale using compasses.


In French this week, we have begun using a website called ‘Duolingo’. Each child has a profile and is given a variety of tasks to complete, including translating between English and French, and practising pronunciation of French words.


This week in R.E, we continued our theme of the Gospel, What Would Jesus Do? The children worked in groups to analyse Matthew 7:24-27, the parable of the wise man and the foolish man.


In PE this week, the children continued to develop their skills in Quicksticks. The focus this week was on ball control. They have also had another Tennis session with Mr Creffield.

Class 5 Weekly Update

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  Class 5 have had a great start to 2018 and we are looking forward to another fun and challenging term.  In case the Spring term newsletter didn’t make it home. I have attached a copy here which gives an overview of what will be learning this term.  Class 5 Spring Curriculum Letter


In English, we launched our new novel ‘Phoenix’ by SF Said.  The children explored images relating to the story and made predictions about what the story could be about.  We then began exploring the first two chapters in more detail, and retrieving and inferring information about the story.


In maths this week we have been exploring equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages, and began finding percentages of numbers and solving problems using this skill.  The children made a great start with this and we will continue consolidating these skills next week.


In R.E, Mrs J introduced our new R.E topic, ‘The Gospel, what would Jesus do?’ (WWJD?).  The children considered situations and scenarios and decided how they would deal it and then what Jesus would do.


Class 5 began a new Quicksticks unit this week with Mrs J.  The children practised their passing skills in pairs and small groups.  They also began tennis with Mr Creffield which will be every Friday until half term.

Christmas Concert Dress Rehersal

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children will be having a dress rehearsal for their Christmas Concert on Monday so please can you ensure all children have their costumes in school. Just a reminder that unless you were told otherwise before Christmas, your child needs to bring in a dark pair of bottoms, a white top and a Christmas jumper or party wear.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Barratt, Mrs Conde, Mrs Foster, Miss Carr

Class 5 Homework

Year 5 have a piece of maths homework based on our learning this week on percentages.  They have gone through this with Mrs J this afternoon, but if they are struggling then please return the homework on Monday so that we can look at it with them during next week.

Year 6 have today completed the spelling section of the Grammar SAT past paper.  They are bringing this home with them today along with the Grammar and Punctuation test.  Please go through this with your child and help them in correcting any errors that they made.

All homework/past papers to be returned by Wednesday 10th January please.