Class 5 weekly update 16.03.18


This week children have analysed the features of explanation texts and written their own explanation texts based on our novel Phoenix.  They have also completed reading assessments which we will be going through with them in class before the end of term.


In Maths, children have been finding the volume of cubes, cuboids and highly-complex 3D shapes composed of several cubes/cuboids.  It has been wonderful to see the children’s progress during this unit of work and seeing them apply previous learning on  area and perimeter.  They have also completed assessments, which we have started to look through and will continue to work through some of the questions next week.


In Science this week, we carried out a simulation to show the phases of the Moon using children’s written plans from last week. Children then completed an independent piece of writing to explain to other children how to carry out the simulation, which reinforced our work in English on explanation texts.


Children completed their analysis and research of capital cities in North America.  Next week we will start to make comparisons between specific areas in the UK and North America.


In RE this week, we started a new unit on Salvation. We discussed why the resurrection is so important to Christians and used an artwork freeze to revise the ‘big story.’


We have continued our gymnastics work using the apparatus and also made the most of the sunshine to do one PE session on ball skills outside.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mrs J

Class 5 update


This week the children have been writing poetry based on part of ‘Phoenix.’  They have worked on using a range of poetic devices and powerful vocabulary to create impact and emotion.


The children have continued their work on area and perimeter this week, applying formula for finding the area of triangles, parallelograms and compound shapes.  They have also worked on calculating the perimeter of more complex shapes.


The children completed their work on the capital cities of North American countries and carried out more detailed research into one capital city of their choice.


In science, the children have planned how they will make a simulation of the moon’s phases.  They have identified what equipment they will use for this and how they will set up their simulation.

Class 5 homework

Homework this week is in green homework books for Year 5 or in the SATs grammar books for year 6.  The work is revision of adjectives and adverbs.  I have explained to the children that they need to think of really powerful adjectives and adverbs to use, similar to what we have been using in our writing this week.  The homework is due in on Wednesday at the latest.

Class 5 Maths homework to be handed in 09.03.18

This week’s homework is a Maths activity based on what we are currently working on in class which needs to be handed in by Friday.  Children need to remember:

  • perimeter is the length/distance around the outside of the shape
  • area is what is inside the shape and it is measured in square units

Year 6s who are not in Purple or Yellow groups have been given the 2nd activity below.

Y5 & Y6 Purple 05.03.18

Y6 05.03.18

Y6 Yellow 05.03.18

Class 5 weekly update 02.03.18


This week we have revisited diary writing. Children have created some excellent diary entries in role as Lucky from our novel Phoenix.  Children’s main focus was to infer to the reader the different emotions that Lucky was going through, by using carefully-chosen vocabulary and punctuation to enhance their writing. We will finish the diary entries on Monday, before starting a new unit on poetry.


At the start of the week children solved problems involving time, which included using bus/train timetables and converting between different units of times to answer word problems. We have now started a new unit on area and perimeter, involving rectilinear (compound) shapes. Next week we will focus on both area and perimeter, including using formulae to find the area of triangles.


In Geography this week, children were finding the capital cities of the North American countries.  They recorded their information in a table and many extended their task by adding extra information such as population, the language spoken or famous landmarks. They will continue this next week before choosing one of the capital cities to research in further detail.


On World Book Day, children designed their own front covers for our novel Phoenix. They produced some beautiful work which will be displayed alongside some of their English work.


We started a new unit on gymnastics this week and had a fantastic first session using the wall apparatus, the ropes and other floor equipment. The children’s perseverance and pride in their achievements was wonderful to observe and we are looking forward to seeing their skills and confidence increase over the coming weeks.


Because of the snow closure, homework will be given out on Monday and due in on Friday 9th.

Year 6 SATs Booster

In SATs Booster this week, we focused on grammar and explored the different types of noun: proper, common, abstract and collective, as well as looking at singular and plural. We also revised different word classes including determiners. Next week’s after-school booster session will be maths-based.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson and Mrs Foster

Class 5 Homework 16.02.18

Year 6 homework for half-term is based on verbs.  I would like children to complete pages 9, 10 and 11 in their Grammar ‘SATs Buster’ workbook, and I have circled these pages to remind them.

Year 5 have been given a maths activity to reinforce this week’s work on converting units of measurement. They should be able to complete the puzzle independently but please make a note on their homework if they needed your support. Thank you

Y5 16.02.18


Class 5 Weekly Update 16.02.18


This week we have revisited persuasive writing. Children have produced some fantastic writing aimed at persuading others to want to become or dress as an Axxa, using evidence from our class novel Phoenix. They have drafted, edited and redrafted their extended writing and each group then chose the strongest argument to present to the class in a bid to persuade them. Well done Class 5!


In Maths this week we have focused on converting different units of measure. Children have solved a wide range of problems, including converting between different metric units to measure length, mass and capacity, as well as converting from metric to imperial units and vice versa. Year 5s’ half-term homework will reinforce this week’s activities on converting measures.


Children have continued researching Native American tribes. They looked at a range of aspects including religion, dwellings, hunting and food, to develop their understanding of how external factors affected the tribes’ lifestyles.  They have produced an extended piece of writing on 2 of the tribes that they researched.


In RE this week, the children worked in groups to create mood boards of how Christians and some non-Christians have taken the teachings of Jesus and been able to apply them to their own lives e.g. through charity work and how they conduct themselves.


The children have had their final week of Quick Sticks and been able to apply the skills they have learnt to a mini tournament.  They have also had their final week of tennis with Mr Creffield and will be starting gymnastics after half-term.  Please can children have their PE kit in school every day, to allow for any changes to our normal PE times

Year 6 SATs Booster

I will be starting Year 6 SATs Booster every Monday from 26th February onwards from 3:15 to 4:30 and I hope that your child will be able to attend. After half-term, I will arrange a parent meeting to provide information on the SATs in May.


Homework is due back on Wednesday 28th February.