Class 5 Homework 27.04.18

Year 6s’ task this week requires them to use different reading comprehension skills and Year 5s have a reading comprehension to complete based on Goodnight Mister Tom.

Both pieces of homework should be given in by next Wednesday. Thank you

Class 5 Weekly Update 27.04.18


The children have continued their novel study of Goodnight Mister Tom. Their task this week was to produce a public information leaflet for host families to explain how to care for an evacuee. We have focused on using standard English and cohesive devices, including adverbial phrases, conjuctions and pronouns, and Class 5 have worked hard to produce some excellent pieces of formal writing.  Our grammar, punctuation and spelling work has included dictation activities to practise using adverbial phrases e.g. as a result, in addition, and spelling Year 5/6 words.


In Maths this week, we have continued our work on the properties of shapes. Children have applied their knowledge of angles in a triangle to solving problems involving special triangles and quadrilaterals and have ended the week constructing shapes with given angles and dimensions. Year 6s have also looked at the radius and diameter of circles and practised using a compass to construct circles of given diameters.


Children have worked in small groups to explore some of their questions and hypotheses about shadows such as what affects the length and size of a shadow. This allowed them to reinforce work on angles, when discussing how the angle of the light source in relation to the object affects the shadow produced. Next lesson we will start to look at reflections and refraction of light.


Whilst the Year 5s were at swimming, Year 6s have practised different volleyball skills in small groups and they ended the session evaluating the skills shown by each group. They have also continued their tennis sessions with Mr Creffield.


Children had an extended session with Mrs J this week to allow them time to discuss and explore the resurrection in more depth.  We are hoping to create a display of their work over the next few weeks, to showcase their ideas and achievements.

Year 6 Booster

Just a reminder that Year 6 Booster is running every Monday after school until 4:30 to help prepare children for the SATs in the middle of May. I have attached the presentation again from the Year 6 parent meeting last week.

SATs 2018 Presentation to parents

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Class 5 Weekly Update 20.04.18


This week the children began reading our new novel study text ‘Goodnight Mister Tom.’  This week they have focussed on describing the two main characters using evidence and quotations from the story.


The children have been working on measuring and calculating angles in different shapes.


We began our World War II topic by imagining we were sitting in an air raid shelter in 1940.  We discussed how it felt and what it would have been like.  The children have also begun to learn which countries were involved in the war and what the events were that led up to the Battle of Britain.


This week the children began their new science topic on ‘light.’  They explored what they knew already about different light sources, how we see light and how shadows are formed.  They then drew diagrams to show how shadows are created when an object blocks light and how we see this.

The Great Egg Roll!

Class 5 were full of anticipation on the last day of term, awaiting their egg rolling competition.  We even had special appearances from ‘Mrs Jeg’ and Egg Sheeran!’ Who would have thought that rolling hard-boiled eggs down a ramp could cause so much excitement!

Well done to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners – FFion, James and Sam – whose eggs travelled the furthest.

Class 5 update


This week the children were given the task of continuing the story of our novel study ‘Phoenix’ from where we have read up to so far.  As well as making predictions about what they thought would happen next, their writing included devices to create atmosphere and the use of dialogue.  The children finished the week by continuing to read the story and see if their predictions were correct!


This week in maths Year 6 have worked on ratio and proportion.  Year 5 have worked on angles including the use of protractors and calculating missing angles on straight lines.


This week the children chose a specific location in North America to compare and contrast with Shrewsbury.  They researched their chosen locality and made notes on information such as population, landscape, climate, tourism, culture or economy.  This information will be used next week to write an extended piece comparing the 2 localities.


The children continued using an art frieze and Luke’s gospel to revise the crucifixion and resurrection and write in their own words.


This week the children did some programming using Logo.  They worked on drawing rectangles, triangles, circles and then other shapes using the programming tool.