Class 5 half-term homework

To be brought into School for Tuesday 5th June 2018

Your homework task for half-term is to research Sir Isaac Newton’s work on light. Newton was known for his work in several areas of science but I just want you to focus on his theories and findings about light.

You can present your information in any format of your choice e.g. written, using ICT, practical demonstration, etc.  You will be sharing your research with the rest of the class.

Rounders Success

Well done to the Year 5 and 6 rounders team today who won the tournament at The Corbet School on Tuesday morning against other local primary schools.  Their sportmanship and team effort was an absolute pleasure to observe and, as always, they were excellent ambassadors for our school.

E Safety Evening for Year 6 Parents at The Corbet

The Corbet School are hosting an E Safety Parents’ Information Evening on 20th June with PC Crump. Please see attachments below for more information and also a message from The Corbet School.


“We are aware that many year 6 pupils ask their parents for a mobile phone once they start secondary school because of the bus journeys.  Therefore, we think it would be really good to encourage as many year 6 parents as possible to attend this evening in order to encourage safe practice from the outset.”

E-safety Parents’ Evening Poster The Corbet School

E safety Parents Information Evening 20.06.18

Class 5 update 18.05.18

Firstly, we would like to say a huge well done to all the Year 6s for their hard work this week and the way they approached the SATs.  Their positive attitude was wonderful to see and they should feel very proud of themselves – we certainly are!

Well done to the Year 5s for the independence they showed in their project work this week. They seem to have really enjoyed researching buy cialis in mexico their chosen topics and preparing their presentations to share with the Year 6s.

Please can children ensure that they have their PE kit in school all week from now on, as we will be starting to prepare for Sports Day and may be able to fit in extra PE sessions after the half term break.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Foster, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Pat Johnson

Class 5 Update


This week Class 5 have written diary entries as Mister Tom.  They focussed on chapters 8 and 9 of the story and looked for clues in the text about what Mister Tom was feeling or thinking.  They then used their notes to write a diary entry.


Year 5 have continued their work on decimals this week, particularly focussing on addition and subtraction of decimals.

Year 6 have done lots of revision ready for SATs next week.  They have revised finding the mean, reading data on line and pie charts, algebra and decimals and percentages.


This week the children completed their exhibitions on Sir Winston Churchill.  They worked in small groups to present their information using power point presentations, photographs and their own writing.  They enjoyed sharing their exhibitions with each other at the end of today’s lesson.

Class 5 update


This week the children have been doing procedural writing.  They used ideas from ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ and some further research to write instructions for how to build an Anderson Shelter during World War II.


This week the Year 5 children have been practising addition and subtraction of decimal numbers.

The Year 6 children have been doing some challenging problem solving involving all 4 methods of calculation.


The children have worked in small groups to research Winston Churchill.  They are going to use this research to make an exhibition about him to share with their classmates.


The children have been writing up their findings from their most recent investigation and explaining what affects the size or length of a shadow.

Year 6 Revision activities – Purple Mash

Year 6 children can use the English Grammar online activities on Purple Mash (shown below), in preparation for SATs the week after next.

They can also use the online Maths activities to practise different maths skills including the four  operations of  addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  I have shown a few suggested activities below which are all ready-made games in 2Race and encourage quick recall of number facts. However, children can access any activities, which they find useful. If your child has forgotten their log in details, please let me know. Thank you.