Concord Choir Competition

I would just like to say a very big WELL DONE to the children who took part in the Concord College Choir Competition today. They made us all very proud and had fantastic comments from the judges, parents and the other schools participating.

I would also like to say a very big THANK YOU to Mr Williams who has been fantastic at helping to prepare the children for this competition.

Keep a look out on the school choir page for the videos from today!

Imperial War Museum Visit

On behalf of all the staff who accompanied Class 5 to Manchester today, we would like to say a huge well done and thank you to all the children for their exemplary behaviour and for such an enjoyable day!  We took over 200 photos so we will upload a gallery of images tomorrow but, in the meantime, here’s a taster…

Bushcraft Day at Adcote School

Year 5s enjoyed a fabulous day of bushcraft activities at Adcote School.  They are now in the process of creating their own display of the visit and writing thank you letters to the Adcote staff.

Class 5 weekly update


This week children have written narrative descriptions of Willie’s journey home to London. Their task was to recount the journey using present tense, which was quite a challenge, but their finished work was excellent. They are now desperate to read on to find out what happens once Willie is reunited with his Mum!


We started a new unit on statistics with our main focus this week on line graphs. Children have interpreted line graphs in a range of different contexts and created their own line graphs using given data. We will continue with our work on line graphs next week.


The whole class have now shared their half-term homework on Sir Isaac Newton and we have built on their research by using different-shaped prisms to refract light in and around the classroom.


Whilst the Year 5s were enjoying the Languages Day at The Corbet on Friday, Year 6s continued to work on their Dig For Victory – inspired posters.

Class 5 Visit to the Imperial War Museum

Just a reminder that it is our visit to the Imperial War Museum at Manchester on Wednesday 20th which we are all very excited about!

Have  a lovely weekend.


Class 5 weekly update

We had a very busy and exciting first week back in Class 5!


We continued our novel study of Goodnight Mister Tom and children wrote the most amazing diary entries from the perspective of Willie. They were asked to show his changing emotions as he faced having to go home to London and many of their diary entries were so emotive they moved Class 5 adults to tears – what a fabulous start to the new half term!


Year 6s continued to tackle mixed problems, to consolidate many of the skills learnt over the past year, with a particular focus on converting units of measure. Year 5s completed their work on decimals and practised multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.


Children started to present their half-term homework on Sir Isaac Newton and it was wonderful to see the children’s pride in sharing their hard work with the rest of the class.

Enrichment Activities

Year 5s had a fantastic day at Adcote School last Wednesday and enjoyed a range of bushcraft activities.  They have now been given the task of creating a display to show off the activities which they took part in. Photos of the day will be uploaded in the next couple of days.

On Thursday, Year 6s were visited by D & T staff from The Corbet School who set them a challenge with specific rules and criteria. They had a super morning and they will be writing letters to The Corbet to say thank you for visiting us.


Year 6s have been researching the role of the Home Guard during World War 2.

Sports Day Preparation

Please can children ensure that they have their PE kit, including trainers, in school all week. Thank you


Concord College Choir Competition

Dear Parents/Carers of children involved in the Concord College Choir Competition,

Please can you encourage your child to go onto the choir page of the school website and use the backing tracks to practise the songs we are learning for the competition. The competition is only 2 weeks away and we want to make sure the children are ready and confident.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Barratt

Class 5 update


This week Class 5 have worked on letter writing.  They have written letters from William to his Mother based on their reading in ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ so far, focussing on writing in first person in an informal style.


Year 5 have continued with their work on decimals this week.  In particular they have worked on subtraction of decimals and decimal number sequences.

Year 6 have been applying their knowledge of calculation methods to a range of problems that have involved addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


The children explored activities using mirrors and other shiny surfaces that reflect light.  Some children began to explore the relationship between the angle of incidence and angle of reflection.


This week the children started to learn about the Home Front and in particular, the Dig for Victory campaign.  The children have begun to design their own posters aimed at persuading people to grow their own fruit and vegetables during the war.