Year 5 & 6 spellings to be tested 14.09.18

Spellings to be tested 14.09.18 – Years 5 and 6


Year 5 and 6 weekly update 07.09.18

Class 5 and 6 have settled back into school quickly and have worked really hard this week, both during their separate lessons for Maths and English in the mornings as well as joint lessons in the afternoons for other subjects.

Year 6 English

This week we have started our new class novel, Journey to the River Sea, which children seem to be enjoying.  We have focused on the main character Maia and used evidence from Chapter 1 to help write character descriptions/fact files to show what we know about her so far.  Next week we will be creating journals, in role as Maia, describing her voyage to Manaus in Brazil.

Year 6 Maths

Our work on place value this week has focused on numbers up to ten million. We have looked at comparing and ordering numbers and next week we will look at rounding and negative numbers before starting a new unit on the four operations.


In science we worked in groups to share what we already know about the characteristics, properties and uses of different materials. At the end of the lesson each group was given just ten minutes to plan how to persuade the rest of class in only 60 seconds why their material was better than all the other materials. We were really pleased that every single child in the class was able to take part verbally in the presentation which was quite a daunting task for some children with such little warning!  Well done everyone.


The homework task this week is following on from our science lesson on Tuesday. We would like children to research plastic as there were quite a few misconceptions about how plastic is made and what resources are needed.  This piece of homework needs to be given in by Tuesday please and all children have been given instructions in their homework books. They will be sharing their work with other children in their group.


We were absolutely amazed at children’s summer holiday homework on rivers and mountains and they seemed to enjoy sharing their research this week. Their work looks wonderful on the displays outside Class 6 (the old Class 5) so please feel free to come in and have a look.



We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mr Sudlow

Class 5 and 6 News

The children have had a great first day back and seem to have enjoyed being in their new classes!  Just in case they forgot to bring their curriculum newsletter home, we have attached a copy below.

Class 5 & 6 Autumn Term Curriculum Letter

Please don’t hesitate to pop in and speak to one of us if you have any questions.

Thank you

Mr Sudlow, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Foster

Year 5 and 6 summer holiday homework

We hope you are all enjoying the holidays and the beautiful weather!

Just in case anyone has mislaid it, we’ve attached the summer holiday homework below. We are really looking forward to seeing the children’s homework when we return to school and we have even cleared a couple of display boards today ready to showcase their hard work.

Summer holiday homework

Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

Year 6 Leavers Party

Year 6s had a great time at AMF Bowling and at Frankie and Benny’s and the fun even continued afterwards at the village hall, with quite a competitive adults v kids footie match!

Thank you Year 6s for such a lovely afternoon from Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mrs J x

Year 6 SATs Results – Tuesday 10th July

There seems to have been some confusion over children receiving their SATs results on Tuesday.  As many of the Year 6s are at The Corbet tomorrow, I very kindly offered to give them their results at the end of the day tomorrow rather than them wait until Wednesday.  This is completely optional and children are welcome to wait until Wednesday morning.

Thank you.

Class 5 update

Class 5 have had a busy week with many children involved in Arthog, the Brass Extravaganza and the Area Sports.


This week the children prepared for and carried out a debate on where the character Willie from Goodnight Mr Tom should be placed following his stay in hospital.  All of the children joined in well.


The children did some work on circles such as measuring the radius, diameter and circumference.  The Year 5 children have done some problem solving this week involving decimals and percentages.


The children have learnt about Anne Frank by reading extracts from her diary and exploring her secret annex online.


Children not out at Arthog have carried out a project on colour blindness.