Class 5 & 6 Homework 05.10.18

To be given in by Thursday 11th October:

Your task this week is to research Eva Ibbotson (the author of Journey to the River Sea.)

What can you find out about her e.g. what other books has she written? What awards has she won? Are there any interesting facts about her?

 Challenge… If you could, what questions would you have asked her?

Class 6 update


This week the children have written a review of the play ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ which is a play mentioned in our class novel ‘Journey to the River Sea.’  The children wrote about aspects of the play including the plot, the cast and the audience response.  They also tried to write persuasively to encourage people to go and see the play.


This week the children have applied methods of short division to solving problems.  Today they have started to look at identifying common factors of pairs of numbers.


The children wrote a report about their findings from the previous week’s lesson.  They were expected to use scientific vocabulary in their writing.


The children completed their work on the journey of a river by drawing and labelling it’s journey from a flood plain to an estuary.  They also learnt about how ox-bow lakes are formed as a result of erosion and deposition.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for a great week last week.

In English our focus was on narrative description and we looked at expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors and personification. The children have been so creative with their thinking and their writing, using the techniques we had been working on during the week to make their narrative description both interesting and engaging. This week we will be focusing on journalism as we look at writing a critic’s review of the play that the main character goes to see in the book.

In Maths last week the children completed their second arithmetic test of the term which we then looked at all together, working on areas of the paper that the children felt they needed extra revision on. We then moved onto rounding using larger numbers and everyone worked really well showing a high level of understanding. On Friday the children began working with negative numbers and this will run into the start of this week.

The homework this week is an English piece and is centred around writing from Maia’s perspective as the children’s task is to write a postcard back to her friends in England.

Fantastic start to the week today, well done everyone.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 6 update


This week the children have written descriptions of the city of Manaus using information from the story ‘Journey to the River Sea.’


The children have been working on the short division method to divide 3 or 4 digit numbers by 1 or 2 digits.


We completed our exploratory activity on the properties of different materials and used our findings to consolidate how useful each material is.


We learnt about the journey of a river from it’s source in the mountains to the sea.  The children have started to draw and label a diagram to show the different stages of this journey.

Class 5 and 6 postcard homework

Children have been told that they can either use the paper postcard template to handwrite their postcard or download the Word version below and type it. If you are unable to print it at home, please email it to the school office on and Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal will print it.

postcard homework template




Class 5 weekly update 21.9.18

Well done to everyone in class 5 for an amazing week.

The pupils have worked hard on diary entries in English identifying the key features of this particular genre of writing, whilst also identifying the emotions the main character has experienced during chapter three. We have discussed the key events of the chapter as we have read through, highlighting how those events would make the character feel. We have also focused on using alternative words as a synonym, helping the pupils to make their writing more exciting by replacing less interesting adjectives with engaging description words.

In Maths we have worked on place value moving onto using six digit numbers and the pupils have progressed immensely throughout the week. The homework this week is an extension of the problem solving and reasoning activities we have been exploring in class. Some pupils may have already looked at the first part of the homework in class as we have made great strides in our topic today, if this is the case please don’t feel like they have to complete those questions again, just carry on from wherever they got to during today’s lesson. The homework is due in on Wednesday so if the pupils have any questions regarding the task, I can answer those at the beginning of next week before the hand in date.

Have a good weekend everyone, see you all on Monday.

Mr Sudlow.

Year 5 and 6 spellings to be tested 28.09.18

21.09.18 spellings to be tested 28.09.18

Class 6 update 14.09.18

Year 5/6 English

This week the children have been writing a ship’s journal based on Maia’s journey to the Amazon in ‘Journey to the River Sea.’  We focused on making our writing quite formal as a record of the journey.


We have worked on negative numbers this week and then focused on addition and subtraction using the column method.  Some children were working with numbers up to 6 digits to solve some tricky problems.

Year 5/6 Geography

We revised the water cycle this week and made sure we understood the terms ‘evaporation’, ‘condensation’ and ‘precipitation.’  The children watched video animations of the water cycle and looked at one we made in class using a bowl of hot water.  They then drew their own water cycles labelling the features they had learnt about.

Year 5/6 Science

The children enjoyed sharing their homework on plastic and we discussed how plastic pollution is affecting ocean wildlife. We shared our views on plans to use a giant floating barrier to collect plastic and how it could actually be detrimental to animals that are surface feeders.   Children then used their existing knowledge of properties of different materials to plan how they are going to test these known properties in the next lesson.

Have a good weekend.