Class 5 weekly update

Well done everyone on a brilliant first week back!

In English this week we have been working on play scripts using a very dramatic chapter from our class novel. We thought about how each character might be feeling during the scene, how they might move around as a consequence of the emotions they were experiencing and how they might speak. The children then incorporated all of the key features in script writing to their own work, they set the scene and built a character list before going onto getting their dialogue and stage directions down. We really focused heavily on how the script needed to be laid out on the page so that it is easy to navigate and read when performing. We will be looking at performing them on Monday.

Our Maths work this week has focused on subtracting fractions and the children have applied their knowledge from adding fractions to this current concept really well. They have worked on a range of fluency and reasoning problems that have required them to experiment with numbers, try different combinations and to think deeply about how they can arrange their work accurately to ensure that they can arrive at a correct answer.

Thank you to all the children for their hard work litter picking around the village on Wednesday. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude was infectious and has made a real difference to our local community which I know will be appreciated by the residents surrounding our school.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and I’ll see you all next week,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 spellings to be tested on 07.06.19



























Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for a fantastic week after a full-on weekend at Arthog. Your effort levels have been incredible and the work you’ve produced has been amazing!

In English this week we have been looking at writing a character description. A prominent character has just been introduced to us in our novel and the first impressions can differ between us as readers, so it’s been really interesting to get everyone’s thoughts and perspectives on the recent events in the book and what they think the plot has in store for the next few chapters. The children have used imaginative vocabulary along with some great similes and metaphors to describe the character in brilliant detail.

In Maths this week we have been order ambien cr online focusing on the addition of mixed numbers. Everyone has worked so hard as the problems have often been three steps. The level of concentration and understanding that the children have shown has been fantastic.

On Tuesday we had our cultural diversity day. This year we looked at the cultures of Japan and Slovakia, we had talks with a Q ‘n’ A session from two of the boys in our class and the children found out lots of interesting facts about both cultures. We did a fact hunt around the classroom as well as some artwork. Thank you to both of the children who stood up and talked, you were amazing.

Have a fantastic half-term everyone and I’ll see you on Monday 3rd June.

Mr Sudlow.

NEW! Mrs Johnson’s group – gorge walking

NEW! Mrs Walton’s and Mr Sudlow’s group – kayaking

NEW! Miss Sibley’s group – gorge walking

NEW! Miss Sibley’s group – kayaking

NEW! Mrs Johnson’s group – raft building

Class 5 weekly update

Well done everyone on another fantastic week!

Our English work last week was centred around chapter ten in our class novel where the main character experiences a range of extreme emotions, both positive and negative. The children’s task was to re-write the chapter using alternative descriptive language. We began the week by planning out the re-write, looking firstly at the three key events in the chapter. Once we’d decided what those were, the children used a range of resources to plan what emotions they thought the main character would be feeling at each point, their challenge was to use a variety of vocabulary without repeating themselves and they made notes on the adjectives, verbs and adverbs that they wanted to use. The children then had an opportunity to write an initial draft, they used self-assessment to analyse their first attempt, making suggestions on how they could improve their writing. To finish the week’s work off, the children then used their own comments to work on their next steps and produced an edited and improved final draft of their own chapter. This week we will be looking at a character description for what is a quite formidable character who we’ve just been introduced to.

Our Maths work last week was focusing on adding fractions. We first looked at the process for adding fractions that had different denominators and this revolved around the children’s multiplication knowledge. They needed to see the connections between numbers so that they could use multiplication and division to convert the denominators, making the addition a much more simple task. Later in the week we moved onto adding three or more fractions together. To do this the children used the bar model as a resource for helping them to convert denominators. This week we’ll be adding mixed numbers before moving onto subtracting fractions.

Finally, I just want to thank all of the children for a wonderful trip to Arthog this weekend. You were all amazing at the activities, everyone really pushed themselves by stepping out of their comfort zone at times and you should be extremely proud of yourselves for doing that.

Let’s have a brilliant week in the run up to half-term.

Mr Sudlow.