Maths morning at The Corbet

Year 6 had a wonderful time at the Maths Morning last week led by the Year 9 maths leaders.


Spelling patterns 09.12.19

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: More homophones and near homophones e.g. alter/alter, bridal/bridle, serial/cereal

Year 6: Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning e.g. suggest/digest/congestion/gesture/gestation

Spelling Patterns 02.12.19

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Homophones and near homophones e.g. stationary/stationery, wary/weary,who’s/whose

Year 6: Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning e.g. temper/temperate/temperature/temperament

Spelling Patterns 25.11.19

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Creating nouns with -ship suffix, e.g. membership, ownership, partnership

Year 6: More words with a long /e/ sound spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after c (and exceptions) e.g. receipt, shriek, ceiling, protein

Spelling Patterns 18.11.19

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Creating nouns with -ness suffix, e.g. happiness, silliness, tidiness, carelessness

Year 6: Words with a long /e/ sound spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after c (and exceptions) e.g. achieve, convenience, mischievous, believe

Are you sitting comfortably…

Class 5 have been busy writing their own mini-tales, based on the main character ‘Jub’ in ‘The Lost Happy Endings.’ On Friday morning, they had the pleasure of reading their tales to children in Class 2. Thank you Class 2 for being such a captive audience!


Spelling Patterns 11.11.19

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Creating nouns with –ity suffix, e.g. community, curiosity, ability, activity

Year 6: Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in -fer, e.g. referring, referred, referral, reference, referee

Spelling Patterns 04.11.19

The spelling patterns we are learning in Class 5 this week are:

Year 5: Adverbs of possibility and frequency, e.g. certainly, definitely, possibly, perhaps, rarely

Year 6: adjectives ending -ably, .e.g considerably, believably, tolerably, comfortably, reasonably

New! Class 5 half-term homework

Class 5 children have been asked to complete a piece of science homework over the half-term holiday. Their task is to research Sir Isaac Newton’s work on light and colour and they can present their research in a format of their choice. We are looking forward to creating a display of what they produce!

The homework needs to be in school by Thursday 7th October and is entirely optional but house points will be awarded to any children completing the task.

Spelling Patterns 30.09.19

The spelling patterns we are learning in Class 5 this week are:

Year 5:homophones and near homophones, e.g. practice/practise, affect/effect, guest/guessed

Year 6: adjectives ending -able, .e.g applicable, considerable, knowledgeable, adorable