11 years ago Posted on 28th Apr 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested Friday 2nd May YELLOW GREEN PURPLE RED words with the -or ending major junior doctor horror creator projector spectator inspector operator professor senior junior calculator inspector operator projector investigator spectator solicitor professor senior junior calculator inspector major projector creator spectator instructor professor calculator instigator inspector commentator instructor senior investigator solicitor operator adjudicator
11 years ago Posted on 27th Mar 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested 4th April YELLOW & PURPLE GREEN RED -al ending normal general mammal criminal arrival natural special festival national comical artificial industrial biological potential national natural physical rehearsal original special artificial industrial biological potential national historical usual rehearsal original special
11 years ago Posted on 14th Mar 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested 21.03.14 YELLOW GREEN YEAR 6 non- de- and anti- prefixes Typical SATs spelling words non-fiction nonsense non-stick decreased deceased defrosted defuse decompose antifreeze anticlockwise dehydration deactivate depressurise decomposed decomposition detached antiseptic antibacterial antibiotic antibodies transfer direction boiling crumbled drought venture lecture splattered reduces constructive
11 years ago Posted on 07th Mar 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested 14.03.14 YELLOW GREEN YEAR 6 un- and mis- prefixes Typical SATs spelling words unfinished unlikely untrue unaware unpopular misbehaved misfired misheard mistaken miscount unimaginative unimaginable unstoppable unthinkable unannounced unusually unfortunately misfortune miscalculate misinterpret following sudden information attracted celebrated kennel caught obvious alphabet immediately
11 years ago Posted on 02nd Mar 2014 by Admin Class 5 Spellings to be tested 07.03.14 YELLOW GREEN YEAR 6 dis- prefix Examples of SATs spellings disappear disappoint disagree disgrace disgraceful disliked disconnect disarmed discover disobey disconnected disappeared disappearance discovered disbelief disability disagreement disappointment disappointed disobedient dinner picture television laugh guide different design friends popular temperature
11 years ago Posted on 06th Feb 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings for 14.02.14 YELLOW GREEN PURPLE RED ‘soft’ c (pronounced as s) recent centre central city cities circle mercy decimal cylinder excited ceiling incident circuit excited accident circular ceremony ceremonies celebrity celebrities decided recently cylinder central ceremony circular circulate except excited accident circulation centrally exception exceptional excited incidental cylindrical decision accidental celebratory
11 years ago Posted on 23rd Jan 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings – to be tested 31.01.14 YELLOW GREEN PURPLE RED -ful suffix -ctu- and – tch- spelling patterns pity pitiful waste wasteful fearful colourful graceful beauty beautiful awful beauty beautiful doubt doubtful colourful merciful bounty bountiful dread dreadful fracture picture lecture clutch watched matched stitched stretched switched patched fractured lectured punctured lecturer architecture structure manufacture picturesque swatch wretched
11 years ago Posted on 19th Jan 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested Friday 24th YELLOW GREEN PURPLE RED drop the -e when adding –ing il- im- in- ir prefixes smile smiling use using rise rising argue arguing escape escaping decide deciding escape escaping arrange arranging rescue rescuing survive surviving logical illogical balance imbalance mature immature credible incredible reversible irreversible logical illogical probable improbable decisive indecisive convenient inconvenient resistible irresistible
11 years ago Posted on 12th Jan 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested 17.01.14 YELLOW GREEN PURPLE RED adding the -shun suffix (-tion) de- non- and anti- prefixes correct correction direct direction reflect reflection pollute pollution reduce reduction pollution fraction direction condition attraction distraction reduction construction competition migration detached destruction decomposing decrease decreasing non-absorbent antiseptic antibiotic antibodies antidote non-biological non-absorbent non-attendance decapitate detachment deconstruction dehydrated anticyclone antiperspirant antiallergenic
11 years ago Posted on 05th Jan 2014 by Admin Class 5 spellings to be tested 10.01.14 YELLOW GREEN PURPLE RED adding the -shun suffix (-ssion) dis- mis- and un- prefixes admit admission permit permission confess confession impress impression discuss discussion obsess obsession possess possession depression progression discussion procession express expression disappoint disbelief discontent disagreement misfortune miscalculate unusually unhappiness unstoppable unlikely disobedience disadvantage disagreeable miscalculation miscellaneous misbehaviour misinterpretation unauthorised unintentional unreliable