Free School Transport – Secondary School (Yr 6’s only)

Please find information received from the Transport team at Shropshire Council regarding the deadline for completing transport applications for secondary school in September.

Any parents/carers of year 6 pupils, who wish to apply for free school transport for their child/children from September 2020, should do so before 31st May 2020. Applications can be made online at or over the phone with the Council’s Customer Service Team by calling 0345 6789008. Alternatively, should you require a paper copy of the application form, please do not hesitate to contact the school or Passenger Transport directly via email, or over the phone on the above telephone number. It is important to explain that, if the application is not received by 31st May 2020, the Authority may be unable to provide transport for the beginning of the autumn term 2020 and parents/carers will need to make their own transport arrangements. Access to school transport is not permitted until entitlement has been confirmed.

Home Learning wb 04.05.2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.  The weather hasn’t been brilliant but the forecast for this week looks much better so hopefully you will be able to spend lots of time outside.

Here is your learning project for this week:

Class 5 Week 4 Learning Project

You will notice that the format is slightly different.  This is just a suggestion as to how you could structure your home learning week, but as always, just do what you can, when you can.

We have had lots of lovely emails and some work sent through this week which has been wonderful.  Please send us an email if you haven’t yet at

Have a super week,

Miss Carr

Reading Planet Online

Good morning Class 5,

I have now assigned each of you (who have created an account) your first ebook on Reading Planet.  If you haven’t yet created an account, please do so as soon as you are able.

Please let me know if you are unable to access it and I will rectify this for you.

Miss Carr

Home Learning wb 27.04.2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and have found plenty to keep you busy.  Thank you for all the emails we’ve received over the last week – it has been lovely to hear from so many of you.  If you haven’t emailed us yet, please do!

We now have access to Rising Stars ‘Reading Planet Online’.

Please follow the link Reading Planet Online to set up your account.

Here is your home learning for this week:

Class 5 Week 3 Learning Project

I look forward to hearing from you.  Have a super week!

Miss Carr

Home Learning wb 20.04.2020

Hello everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter.

It’s been wonderful to hear from so many of you over the last few weeks and hear about what you have been up to.

If you haven’t yet got in touch, please send us an email to – we would love to hear from you.  If you would like to send us any of the work you have completed (i.e as a picture attachment or a document attachment) please do, we would really like to see it.

Here is your home learning for this week.


Please remember that these are choices of activities you could do.  You don’t have to complete all of them, and we don’t expect you to be doing school work all day every day.  A few half hour slots or a morning of hard working will be plenty, though again, please don’t worry if you aren’t able to manage this.  We know lots of parents are trying to do their own jobs from home at the same time so do whatever works in your family.

Hope to hear from you soon, and please email if you have any questions.

Miss Carr

Year 6 photos – last Friday

Sorry for the delay in uploading these from last Friday but I’m sure you’ll agree it was ‘worth the wait!’  I now have a new screen saver so I don’t forget what a lovely afternoon we had! x

Home Learning

Hello Class 5!

It has been a very strange week and I’m so sorry I didn’t get chance to say a proper goodbye to you last week. I’m hoping very much that we will be able to get together again at some point before Year 6 start secondary school.

I hope that you’re all well and enjoying the beautiful weather.  Well done if you’ve managed to start some home learning, but don’t worry if you haven’t. It’s important that you’re spending time outside, enjoying the fresh air, and spending a bit of time relaxing and rejuvenating after everything that has happened in the last week or so.

From next week onwards, Mrs Johnson and I will be setting some home learning tasks and activities for you to complete if you are able to do so. These will be posted on Monday mornings so please check the website/email on Mondays.

We are also available to answer any queries by email at during school hours Monday-Friday.

We would absolutely love to hear from you to hear about what you have been doing since school closed and also answer any questions you have about your work so please send us an email!

We are missing our wonderful class already, and school is a very quiet place without all of your lovely chatter.

Take care of yourselves and… WASH YOUR HANDS!

Miss Carr and Mrs Johnson

Reading Cinema Launch

As part of our whole-school initiative to encourage reading for pleasure, Miss Carr has introduced a ‘Reading Cinema’ which was launched this week with Class 5.

Year 5 and 6 have been voting all week for which book they would like to listen to. At the end of the day yesterday, they were all invited to enter the ‘cinema’ and, after lots of excitement at being presented with popcorn,  they enjoyed listening to ‘The Lost Thing.’

Next week, Class 4 will be voting for which book they would like to listen to then a different class will take part each week.

Keep an eye out for other classes enjoying this over the next few weeks!