Home Learning wb 08.06.2020

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a brilliant weekend.  We’ve had some lovely updates this week of things some of you have been up to at home and I hope you all enjoyed looking at the gallery of photographs.

Here is your home learning this week, with a musical theme!

Class 5 Week 8 Learning Project

Here are the maths worksheets to go with the videos available on the White Rose Maths website.  Remember, we are a week behind so use the videos for the week beginning 1st June.



Y6-Week-6-Worksheets (1)


Hopefully you’ve all had a chance to watch the video that Mrs Johnson has uploaded onto the main news feed.  If you haven’t, please have a look as it has important information about the arrangements for the wider opening of school.

I am so excited to welcome some of you back next Monday, I hope you’re looking forward to coming back to school! Those Year 6’s who aren’t returning, watch out for website posts/emails about transition to the Corbet.  We will be doing a virtual meeting with some members of staff so I will be contacting you about that over the next week if you will be attending the Corbet.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and are keeping safe.

Miss Carr

Corbet Year 6s – tutor groups

Hi Year 6s

I hope you saw my email yesterday asking you to let me know the names of the children you would like to be with when you join The Corbet School. I uploaded a PDF version of the form by mistake meaning you can’t type into it so you can either email me the names instead or print it, write the names on the form then email me a photo if it.

If you have any questions just let me know.

Take care

Mrs Johnson  x

Corbet – Year 6 transition

Hello Year 6s

I hope you are all staying safe and well.

Miss Carr and I have spoken to Mrs Millward from The Corbet School this morning and she is looking forward to meeting all of you when it is safe to do so. Normally, she would be visiting Bicton this term, to tell you more about The Corbet School and answer any questions you may have. She also normally asks who you would like to be in a tutor group with so that she can try and put you with at least one friend. This year, I will be collecting that information for her instead on the form below.

Corbet Year 6 Transition Form

Please can you have a good read of the form – chat with Mum or Dad about it – and return it to me as soon as possible, so that I can send it back to Mrs Millward. Don’t worry about other children knowing whose names you have written down as nobody will see it at Bicton other than me.

Take care

Mrs Johnson


Year 6 Transition Packs for The Corbet School

Consent Form Pupils

Letter to parents-guardians

Parent Privacy Notice

PE Kit Requirements

Privacy Form Registration Form 2020

Pupil Privacy Notice

School Shop Leaflet latest 2020

School Uniform Requirements

School Shop Direct – Summer opening details 2020 – senior

Parent Consent Form – Pupil Data May 20

We have been asked by The Corbet School if you would complete the relevant documents above and email to them as soon as possible.  If you require a hard copy of the transition pack please contact Bicton school office. Thank you.

Home Learning wb 01/06/2020

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful half term and made the most of the beautiful weather.  Thanks to those of you who have been in touch over the last few weeks, it has been great to see some work and photographs of what you have been up to.

Here is the home learning for this week: Class 5 Week 7 Learning Project

Here are the maths activities for this week:





Please get in touch if you have any problems, questions, or just to say hello. We love to hear from you.

It may take a little longer for us to respond than usual but we will respond!

Miss Carr

Class 5 Gallery

Here are some photos showing what some of the members of Class 5 have been up to.  Enjoy!

Home Learning wb 18.05.2020 – UPDATED

Apologies – I had uploaded the wrong week of worksheets.  This has now been updated.

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a super weekend.  Thanks so much for the emails we have received this week.  It has been lovely to see the work you have been doing at home and to hear what you have been up to.  Please email us to say hello or to send us some work if you haven’t yet at class5@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

Here is your Learning Project for this week: Class 5 Week 6 Learning Project

White Rose Maths now runs on a subscription basis to which we have subscribed, so the worksheets you will need for the week can be found here.

Year 5:



Year 6:



Please let me know if you have any problems accessing the attachments, and I can email them to you separately.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Miss Carr

Photo request

Please email any photos you would like to be included in the Class 5 gallery to class5@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk before the end of today.

Have a lovely weekend!

Home Learning wb 11.05.20

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a super bank holiday weekend and are well-rested ready for another week of home school.

Thank you so much to everyone who has emailed this week – it’s great to keep in touch at this strange time.  I would like to create a photo gallery of things that you have been doing at home so if you’d like your photo on the website, email it to me before next Friday (15.05.20) so I can put it together.

Thank you to those of you who have managed to create your account with Reading Planet.  We have had some real problems with it this week and I’m unable to access my account at the moment so can’t assign any more books.  I know some people have had trouble accessing the books I have already assigned as well.  I have contacted Reading Planet and I am hoping this will be resolved quickly.  I will update via email when the problems have been rectified.

Here is your home learning for this week.

Class 5 Week 5 Learning Project

Any questions or problems, please let me know.

Have a great week!

Miss Carr