Class 5 Gallery

Some more photos of what the amazing members of Class 5 have been up to!

Class 5 Brass challenge 29.06.20

Hello Class 5,

Here is a new tune for you to practise every day.

There are now 3 tunes for you to play to build up a practice session and they are only a few minutes long.

Take care

Mr Alldridge

Home Learning wb 29.06.20

Good morning everybody!

I hope you’ve all had a great week and weekend.  I’ve received lots of lovely photos this week of things you’ve been up to at home, if you’d like your photos to be included in the next class gallery please email them to me at before Wednesday.

Your home learning this week is all based around the topic of food. Hope you enjoy!

Class 5 Week 11 Learning Project





Have a lovely week,

Miss Carr

Yr 6 Registration Forms – The Corbet School

The Corbet School have asked us to send a reminder to parents to complete and return their registration forms to them as soon as possible. These were uploaded to our  website a couple of weeks ago.

If you require a hard copy of the forms, please contact Bicton School office. Thank you.

Class 5 Brass Challenge 23.06.20

Hi Class 5,
I hope you all had a good weekend.
Here is this week’s video below.
This week, I would like you to practise every day. It would be great if you could let Miss Carr and Mrs Johnson know how you get on, to help me plan future activities for you.
I hope you all have a great week and take care.
Mr Alldridge

Home Learning wb 22.06.20

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

Here is your home learning for this week:Class 5 Week 10 Learning Project

In maths this week, Year 5 will be working on fractions, decimals and percentages, and Year 6 will be working on equations and metric and imperial measures.  Remember to use the videos on the White Rose Maths website to support each lesson.





I hope you all have a great week and hope I will hear from you soon.

Miss Carr

Class 5 Brass Challenge 3

Hello Class 5,
This week, I have set you a video task using just one tune.
If you want to practise the tune at your own speed, just pause the video below and use the music on screen, but also later try along with the trombone/piano in the video. Try this each day and you will notice it getting better throughout the week.
I hope you all have a great week!
Mr Alldridge

Home Learning wb 15.06.20

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had another super week.  Today is the day when we are able to welcome some Year 6 children back to school so we will be completing lots of the activities I have set for your home learning in school as well.

This weeks theme is ‘Space’ – I hope you enjoy it!

Class 5 Week 9 Learning Project

In maths this week, Year 5 are working on decimal numbers, and Year 6 are working on equations.



Y6-Week-7-Worksheets (1)


If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please do so at  Please bear in mind that we are teaching some children in school so it may take us a little longer to respond than previously.

Miss Carr

Zoom meeting – response required

The Year 6’s in school who are attending the Corbet in September will be taking part in a Zoom call with Mrs Millward from the Corbet at 9.30am on Tuesday 16th June.  We would like all Year 6’s who are attending the Corbet to take part, and if you are happy to do so from home, please email me at confirming the email address you would like the Zoom meeting invitation to be sent to.

We will also be having a practice run on Monday 15th June at 11.00am.  This will just be between the Year 6’s in school and at home.  If you are able to take part in this too, please say in the email.

Please respond by tomorrow (Saturday) at 5.00pm so I can get the invitations sent out.

Many thanks,

Miss Carr

Class 5 Brass challenges

Hi everyone

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Each week I will be sending a new brass challenge for you to do if you would like to. You can see 2 activities below – one for this week and also the one from last week.

Brass Challenge 1

Brass Challenge 2

Take care

From Mr Alldridge