First Week!

Oak Class have had a fantastic first week back at school.  It has been wonderful to have the classroom full of children again, and watching them reconnect with each other has been lovely.

They have already risen to the responsibility of being our oldest children in school and role models to the younger children, and have been busy applying for various roles of responsibility within school.  Further details about these will be released in due course!

Curriculum information will be sent out next week, but in the meantime P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please send children to school wearing their P.E kit on these days – there are no changing facilities available in school.

Have a lovely weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Carr

Thank you!

On behalf of all the Class 5 staff, I would just like to say a huge and heartfelt thank you for all of the cards, gifts and kind words we have received this week.
It has been a week of mixed emotions; happiness at having such a lovely last week together but sadness as Year 6 come to the end of their primary school journey.
We really do have the best job in the world and have been so privileged to teach your lovely children for the last year or more. They have been a  fantastic cohort and will be a great asset to their secondary school.
We hope you all enjoy the leavers video, we certainly enjoyed making it.
Thanks again and have a wonderful summer together.

Year 6 Leavers Video

Saying goodbye to our Year 6s is always a really sad day and this year more than most.  Their video sums up what an amazing year group they have been and we will miss every one of you!

Thank you to Miss Carr and Mr Andrews for all their hard work (and patience!) putting this together. Enjoy! xx

Year 6 end of year party!

Message from Barbie:-

Hi Year 6 parents,

It’s the last week and it’s nearly time for us all to say our goodbyes. I have arranged an after party at Bicton Village Hall, on the field, after school on Thursday 16th July.

I have asked if we could have access to the toilets, which they are happy for us to use. We will have to clean them after we have used them. We need to follow the guidelines and risk assessment and I will need all names and it will be kept for 21 days. I would need to be contacted if anyone becomes unwell with Coronavirus symptoms during this time.

Bring your own picnic rugs and food for you and your child. If you have any outside games, please bring them along too.

Ladies, maybe we could all have a toast to the kids (bring a bottle and your own glass!)


If you could let me know if you can make it.

I look forward to seeing you all.

Barbie and Ellie xx



Home Learning wb 13.07.20

Good morning Class 5!

Welcome to your last week of home learning of this academic year.  As well as completing the home learning projects, I hope you will join us in the Sock Olympics this week!

Class 5 Week 13 Learning Project Year 5

Class 5 Week 13 Learning Project Year 6

The learning projects this week are a little different to usual as they are focusing on transition activities to prepare you all for the next year at school.  Although Year 5 will be having Mrs Johnson and I teach you again as Year 6s, we will also be welcoming all of the current Year 4s into our new Oak Class.  It has been so long since some of you have been in school that these activities should help bring a close to this year for you and help you concentrate on looking forward to September.

In school, the Year 6s will be completing some transition activities, as well as putting the finishing touches to their leavers’ video.  This has been a very strange ending to primary school for Year 6, and I am sure you will join me in wishing them every success as they go on to secondary school.

I hope you all have a super last week and a wonderful summer holidays.

Miss Carr