Class 5 Weekly Update

Well done to class 5 for working so well this week.

Our English focus has been on character description. We began by recapping the key features of the genre before planning the extended writing pieces using evidence from the text to support the description of the character. The children have worked incredibly hard on this and they have shown a deep understanding of the genre which has resulted in fantastic quality within their final draft.

In Maths we have been working on perimeter and how to calculate unknown dimensions as well as converting between units of measurement to help solve problems. Some of the reasoning problems we have been working on have required a lot of perseverance through trial and error, which the children have really risen to and their understanding over the course of the week has grown impressively, this is down to their hard work so well done.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.


Class 5 Weekly Update

Well done to everyone in class 5!

This week in English we have been working on instruction writing. The children have excelled with this topic identifying the features of the genre before extracting evidence from the book that they could use in their writing . They have planned, written, reflected, edited and improved their work with the end results being fantastic.

In Maths this week we completed our first multiplication tables test before moving onto measuring perimeter. The children have shown a tremendous amount of resilience this week as this topic required lots of trial and error with multiple step problems. However through their hard work and determination they have produced some really high quality work and should be proud of their achievements.

A letter about our homework project was given out to the children today, please don’t hesitate to call into class either before school or at the end of the day if you have any questions.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done everyone on a great week! You worked so hard and produced such amazing work and this is all down to your focus and effort levels in class.

In English last week we were focusing on newspaper reports. We started the topic by recapping the features of a newspaper report and the children did really well to research, using first news, before identifying what they would need to include in their work later that week. They used peer and self-assessment to establish what they had done really well and what their next steps needed to be before putting that into practice during both the planning and writing phase of the week. Their finished work was informative, detailed, well planned and well presented.

In Maths we focused on factors before progressing onto common factors. The children showed really secure understanding of these topics using their prior knowledge to push themselves on later in the week as they progressed through the topics. They have shown tremendous amounts of resilience and mathematical thinking by extending their work to create their own problems for peers, by questioning concepts and ideas as well as thinking deeply and exploring different possibilities within problems. This has resulted in really high standards of work.

This week we are looking at non-chronological reports in English along with prime numbers and square numbers in Maths before breaking up on Friday ready for Christmas.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done class 5!

We have had a great week, the children have worked so hard and tried their best throughout assessment week and this is all down to their positive attitude towards their work.

In Maths we have moved on to our new unit of work which is multiplication and division. We have been looking at multiples and the children have excelled in this topic area, working with great confidence and accuracy whilst showing resilience as they tried and tested different methods. They have displayed their table knowledge and this has helped them to succeed and show a good level of understanding.

In English we have continued to read Journey to the River Sea which the children are all completely enthused with as we near the end of the book, making some very sophisticated predictions about what may happen to conclude the story. We worked on wanted posters for one of the characters this week with the children producing some accurate and arty designs. The level of conversation and understanding in class while exploring new words has been really high with the children showing maturity and greater levels of independence driving their own learning by utilising the resources in the classroom.

Well done to everyone for Thursday’s theatre trip. You were a credit to our school, you set a good example for the younger classes and I’m glad you all enjoyed yourselves. A big well done to Martin as well for his air guitar performance onstage!

Have a great weekend everyone and I’ll see you Monday.

Mr Sudlow.




Just a reminder that this Thursday we will be going to the Pantomime.  We will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 1.00pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch to eat when we return to school. They can bring a snack to eat (nothing containing nuts please) during the interval.

Thank you

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for an amazing week!

In Maths we have been working on statistics and data. The children have shown a really high level of understanding regarding the features that must be included in a line graph. We have discussed how it shows the progress of something over time and how it is important when working with line graphs to pick out the units of measurement as well as reading and interpreting the data itself. Next week we will move from analysing line graphs to drawing them ourselves.

In English this week we have been looking at report writing. The children did some brilliant research for their homework task and this led us nicely into the topic. As we read on through our class book we looked at the features of both a scientific report and a newspaper report. The children were then able to pick which one they would prefer to focus on, thinking very carefully about the reason behind their decision. They then wrote a small proposal that detailed what direction they wanted to go in and why. We used Ipads and laptops to research the subject of their report, which was a rare butterfly that is discovered in our class book by one of the characters. The children thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of directing their own learning whilst using varied approaches and this has been reflected in their finished work. They have worked extremely hard and with great care on their final writing pieces using the features they identified in their book, along with their research and notes they have made to produce amazing reports.

The homework this week is based on creativity in their writing. The task is to write a letter that captures the first impressions and feelings of one of the characters from our class book, as he has moved back to England. They need to predict how they think it will go before we read on next week, focusing on detailed description along with all of the techniques we have been working on over the last few weeks. These are detailed on the task sheet in their homework books.

Have a great weekend everyone, see you on Monday,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 update

Welcome back everyone I hope you all had a great half-term!

The children have really thrown themselves into the week working ever so hard, picking up where they left off before the holidays so well done.

A massive well done to everyone regarding the school trip to Chester Zoo as well, your behaviour was exemplary setting a good example for the younger children and drawing some nice comments from zoo staff. I hope you all enjoyed the trip and learnt some cool new facts about the animals we saw.

This week in English we have turned our attention back towards diary entries and the children have been looking at fronted adverbials and relative clauses. They have produced some fantastic work using great creativity to generate some really interesting pieces of writing which has resulted in some very effective diary entries.

In Maths we have been focusing on two-way tables and using them to pick out key information as well as coming up with our own questions to put to others, reasoning by using the information to decide whether they agree or disagree with statements and why they have reached that conclusion as well as completing tables that have missing pieces of information by using the data that they have been provided with. It has required some really deep mathematical thinking with lots of trial and error, the children have shown great perseverance and have done some brilliant work throughout the week.

The homework this week revisits letter writing. This is something we focused on just before half-term, with the pupils producing some amazing work. This time they need to apply it to their Chester Zoo trip as opposed to our class book.

Have a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday,

Mr Sudlow.

Weekly update

Well done to all the children in class 5 for a fantastic half-term you’ve been amazing! Everybody has worked so hard and achieved so much, you should be really proud of yourselves.

Last week was our assessment week and the children did really well, the week highlighted just how much progress everyone has made over the first half-term. Our focus in English was a formal written report and to aid them with this the children gathered their own notes from our class book so that they could refer to them during their independent writing. We looked at examples of formal written reports and the children used highlighters to pick out the key features and points showing an exceptional depth of knowledge and understanding.

In Maths we looked at multi-step problems and how we could use the RUCSAC method to work through questions in a logical and accurate fashion. With so much to concentrate on and so many decisions to make for each problem the children worked efficiently and effectively to show deep understanding of the four operations. We finished the week with a consolidation task that was set out as an investigation in a sweet factory which the pupils loved and really applied themselves to. From this task it was clear to see that everyone’s confidence has improved since the start of term as there was some great mathematical thinking and reasoning going on.

This week in English we have focused on letter writing. We identified the features and their purpose at the start of the week before moving onto persuasive devices and writing persuasively to try and capture a reader’s attention. On Wednesday our focus was modal verbs which indicate certainty or possibility. The children were really enthused and produced some extremely persuasive sentences that they have then utilised today when writing their letter.

We have made a brief start to our third block of Maths this week as we looked at timetables. It was only an introduction session but all the children took a great deal of time to work efficiently and effectively, producing some great discussion and attention to detail. We will be carrying on with this block after half-term. The children participated in their fourth arithmetic test of the term at the start of this week. Everybody is doing so well in these tests, me and Mrs Allen are extremely proud of the way the children approach each test and the determination they show to succeed. This is certainly reflected in the scores they have attained so far.

There is no homework for half-term because the children may want to have a go at the writing competition.

Thank you to all the children and parents in class 5 for welcoming me into the school this term, enjoy your break and I’ll see you after the holidays ready to get back into it.

Thanks, Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 this week, it has been a bit topsy-turvy with the bikeability course as pupils have been in and out of class depending on their group. But everyone has worked really hard and we have achieved plenty, both in the classroom and on the bikeability programme.

In English this week we have looked at the features of formal reports with an aspiration that we will write our own next week using notes we have made on the investigation that two characters are carrying out in our class book. The children have worked really hard to identify the chronological order of the investigation and to recount all of the key details so that they can take their knowledge into their extended piece of writing .

Our main focus in Maths this week has been using the inverse operation. This is a tricky concept as sometimes problems have to be looked at from a completely different angle. However the children have really put a lot of effort into understanding the topic in depth and have used it to flip problems round in order to solve them, to make choices about what operation and method they need to use through detailed mathematical thinking and they have grown in confidence enormously over the past week. The children completed their third arithmetic test of this term earlier this week and we are so pleased with how everybody is showing progress, this is down to their hard work and the way they apply themselves in Maths so well done class 5!

Have a brilliant weekend, see you Monday.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for a brilliant week last week!

We completed a lot of reading in our English lessons whilst debating and predicting what will happen next explaining reasoning and using the events in the book to make assumptions as to where the story might go. The children also worked really hard on a critic’s review of the play that the main character goes to watch in the book focusing on description that uses positive words to create a persuasive piece of writing. They also concentrated on the key aspects of the play that they needed to review during their writing to make sure they really sold the play to the reader.

We had a fantastic week in Maths moving onto our new unit of work that focuses on addition and subtraction which is something we’ve looked at a little bit during our arithmetic sessions. The children worked really hard to use the methods we were looking at in a variety of situations and problems, utilising their work and their answers to reason efficiently and accurately.

We had a great start to the week today completing our third arithmetic test of the term and starting this week’s focus in English which is formal report writing. Well done on a brilliant start to the week class 5.

Mr Sudlow.