Class 5 weekly update

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!

The children have settled into the new term really well this week. They’ve worked incredibly hard, their focus has been brilliant and the work that they’ve produced has been amazing.

Our class novel for this term is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar and the children have really enjoyed the opening chapters as there is some humour in the book as well as mystery. With the mystery in mind, our focus in English this week has been on newspaper reports. The children began by using a planning sheet as a guide to writing their own extensive plan, they came up with their own theories to explain the mystery and these have been included in their writing. They then completed their first draft and after analysing feedback from me and Mrs Allen, as well as identifying their own next steps using self-assessment, the children then went onto edit their first draft before writing the final version.

In Maths we have carried on with our fractions unit that we started just prior to Easter. This week we have looked at converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and have started to use those conversions to work in number sequences. The children have shown incredible perseverance at times this week, looking at problems from lots of different angles, using trial and error techniques to calculate their answers.

Have a fantastic bank holiday and I will see you all again on Tuesday,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 update

Well done to everyone in class 5 on a fantastic term!

This week in English we finished reading our book ‘The Skylarks War’ and to round off our topic of World War One, the children wrote a book review that focused on the key events that occurred throughout the novel. The children included their thoughts and opinions on how the book was written as well as the storyline itself.

In Maths we have continued with our work on fractions, looking specifically at improper fractions and how the children can convert them into a mixed number. The children have shown real perseverance, using their multiplication tables knowledge to help them with understanding the process and method before applying it to a range problem solving activities including; proving or disproving mathematical statements, finding and correcting mistakes in calculations and word problems that require picking out the key information and utilising it in the most accurate way.

Our ‘Reading the Game’ programme also came to a close this week. The children’s work on a range of text types has been fantastic throughout this half-term, their knowledge surrounding Shrewsbury Town Football Club has been amazing and they have been able to apply that knowledge to our school setting as well, recognising how the two different environments can be similar. The football skills of everyone has been extremely impressive during our PE sessions with Coach Neil and the standard of play has improved massively each week. This is down to the children’s effort and application which was brilliant in every lesson so well done to everyone.

Have a fantastic Easter holiday and I will see you all in two weeks time.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for such a brilliant week! I’d like to thank everybody who attended our celebration assembly this morning, it was lovely to see so many of you there. I would also like to say a massive well done to all the children, you read your poem so nicely and the collaboration with class 6 on your song was absolutely amazing.

In English this week the children have widened their knowledge of diary entries. Previously, they had only ever written a single entry but this week they have focused on writing multiple entries that detail a character’s escape from a prison camp and the journey home from the Greek islands to England.

In Maths the children have really got stuck into our unit of work on fractions. The amount of determination and perseverance you have all shown this week has been brilliant! We began the week with an arithmetic test before moving onto looking at equivalent fractions. The children had to approach this with a really open mind, they challenged their own thinking and used multiplication to convert fractions before completing a wide range of problems. We moved onto looking at how pie charts can represent fractions in a more visual context and the children produced some fantastic charts of their own, taking great care with their presentation and ensuring that the key features of a pie chart were all included.

Next week we will be finishing our class novel and the focus will be on reviewing the book. In Maths we will be continuing with our work on fractions.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done class 5 on your fantastic work last week!

In English we were re-writing a dream sequence using creativity to add detail and description to the character’s surroundings, actions and experiences. The children came up with some interesting alternatives to ‘boring’ words that we shared as a whole class to create a word bank for everyone’s benefit. It was brilliant to see the children using such expansive vocabulary and it highlighted the hard work they have put into widening the range of words that they incorporate into their writing.

In Maths we looked at division and the bus stop method. The children’s confidence with this topic really took off during the week and they made great strides in terms of their buy phentermine online in canada efficiency, accuracy and understanding of how to use the method effectively. We looked at how to complete the process step-by-step as a whole class to begin with, before applying it independently. The next step was progressing onto problems that included a remainder in the answer. The children used their methodology to provide some brilliant reasoning where they analysed where a calculation was incorrect, what the mistake was and how to fix it so that the calculation was right.

This week we are looking at writing a series of diary entries that details how a character has escaped from a prison, as well as starting our new unit of work in Maths which is fractions.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done class 5 on a great week!

In Maths we have been focusing on using the grid and column methods to multiply three and four digit numbers by two digit numbers. The children have really worked hard to master both processes and have shown fantastic flexibility with their calculating, presentation and reasoning skills. Next week our focus will switch to division.

In English we have been working on how to describe a scene. The children used evidence from our class novel as well as non-fiction books from the library and their own research to plan out what they were going to include in their description of the front line. We explored how we could use the five senses as a way of describing the trenches and what it would have been like for soldiers during World War One. The children have used an expansive amount of vocabulary to make their work extremely interesting to read as well as creating a flow throughout their writing. Next week we will be re-writing a dream scenario using the events of our class novel as inspiration.

Coach Neil will be in next Monday afternoon so PE kit with trainers would be great.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 Weekly Update

Well done this week everyone, it’s been a week full of challenges but you’ve risen to it really well and have made fantastic progress.

In English we’ve focused on play scripts, using a short chapter where two characters were discussing their friendship and school as our theme. The children have used a range of punctuation effectively to convey emotive adjectives, verbs and adverbs in their stage directions, as well as presenting their work in an appropriate fashion and we’ll be setting some time aside next week to see some performances of the scripts that the children have been working on.

In Maths our focus has been on multiplication. We started the week by looking at the grid method which the children mastered really well. Since then we have moved onto looking at other methods of multiplication including the column method. Being fluid between the different processes is really important as questions can be presented in a multitude of ways and achieving this fluidity takes a lot of flexibility in the children’s thinking, but the progress they have made has been great and as we move into next week we’ll be continuing with our focus on improving our fluidity between different methods and presentation styles.

Coach Neil will be in at the start of next week for our ‘Reading the Game’ session so PE kits with trainers on Monday would be great.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone on a brilliant week!

In Maths the children have been looking at more formal methods of multiplication. They have persevered really well as they have shown a fantastic understanding of the different processes and methods that they can use when attempting a multiplicative calculation that uses bigger numbers (two digits by two digits and four digits by one digit). They have shown great flexibility in their thinking, calculation and presentation which is impressive as they continue to improve their efficiency and accuracy.

This week in English we have looked at how a character has changed over time in our class novel. We began by discussing the description we attached to the character several weeks ago as well as the techniques we used to achieve that before discussing what has happened to our character since. As we read the next few chapters of our novel, it became apparent that the character has had to grow up very fast since going off to war and we talked about the impact of the war on him. For our extended writing piece, the children have composed a second character description, focusing on the change in personality and appearance that has occurred as a result of the war.

Our reading the game session focused on comprehension skills this week and we used an article on the history on Shrewsbury Town Football Club as the theme for our work. The children showed fantastic comprehension skills throughout the session before heading outside to have a go at learning some new freestyle football skills. The level of effort and perseverance in the practical session was amazing and the children demonstrated some great pieces of football technique. We also had a special visitor during the classroom session as Lenny the Lion took some time out to come into school and look at the children’s work. Our next session with Coach Neil will be on Monday afternoon.   


Class 5 Weekly Update

Well done everyone on a fantastic first week back!

Our focus in English has been persuasive writing. We looked at features by working in pairs to try and persuade for or against before reflecting on the techniques that were used. The children then planned their work by conducting research into the role of animals during World War One. All of the children got the chance to decide what genre of writing they would like to use to get their persuasive argument across and the end result has been absolutely brilliant.

In Maths we have finished off our work on area and perimeter by estimating the area of irregular shapes and by looking at developing our knowledge of converting between different units of measurement even further. The children have shown some great reasoning skills and this is something they have worked extremely hard on in recent weeks. On Monday we will move onto our new block of work which will be focusing on multiplication and division using formal methods and bigger numbers.

We have had our first ‘Reading The Game’ session today which the children thoroughly enjoyed. The classroom session was an introductory lesson where the children got to learn more about the aims of the programme, what we’ll be looking at over the next few weeks and Shrewsbury Town Football Club. Our PE session was based around recognising space and how to use it effectively as well as practising some freestyle tricks and skills before a match at the end. Well done to everyone in Class 5 this afternoon, you worked extremely hard, showing great perseverance during the session outdoors and I’m looking forward to the amazing work you’re all going to produce over the next few weeks. Our second session will be on Monday afternoon so children will need football kit or PE kit along with trainers.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Year 5 Corbet Languages Day

Year 5s had a fantastic day at The Corbet Languages Day last Friday and learnt lots of new vocabulary.  As well as the activities shown in the photo gallery below, they also did an activity on French colours.  They really got into the spirit of the day and their pronunciation when ordering their pizzas in the Italian restaurant was hilarious especially when some of the customers started moaning at the waiters for getting their orders wrong!

The children’s behaviour was absolutely superb and they were great ambassadors for our school throughout the day.  Hopefully it has given them a useful and reassuring insight into what secondary school is like!

Class 5 update

Hi all, massive congratulations to everyone in class 5 for an amazing week! You’ve all worked really hard and have produced some fantastic work.

In English we have been focusing on letters. We started by having a brief recap around the features of this genre and discussed which features we may have to slightly adapt due to the setting of this piece of work. We identified that soldiers writing home during WW1 would be forbidden to reveal their exact whereabouts, or any other sensitive details about life in the military, as this could lead to a negative impact on the war effort if the information fell into enemy hands. After this the children picked the evidence they wanted to use out of the text so they could plan their letters. They wrote a first draft which resulted in amazing pieces of work and have since evaluated and started to edit their initial piece of writing, expanding on the work they have already produced. We’ll complete this on Monday before moving onto a diary entry for next weeks genre.

In Maths this week we rounded off our work on perimeter before moving onto looking at the area of rectangles. The children have worked incredibly hard on this and have shown a great amount of accuracy and efficiency in their work. Some of the problem solving tasks they have been working on required a large amount of investigative skills and they have risen to the challenge, producing some outstanding work that we will build on next week when we move onto looking at the area of compound and irregular shapes.

Just to note there will be a slight change of schedule next week due to our languages day visit at the Corbet school on Friday. Because of this we will be doing our weekly spelling test on Thursday 14th.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.