Monday morning – raft building

On our last morning at Arthog, Miss Sibley’s group, and Mrs Walton’s and Mr Sudlow’s group enjoyed a couple of hours raft building and then, it appears, sinking!

Mrs Johnson’s group – kayaking

We spent our final morning of the visit kayaking at the Dysynni estuary. Almost everyone was keen to jump in before we returned to Arthog – a perfect end to the weekend!

Mrs Walton’s and Mr Sudlow’s group – gorge walking

Mrs Johnson’s group – raft building

Mrs Walton and Mr Sudlow’s group -climbing

Arthog Day 1

We’ve had a great first day at Arthog. We spent the afternoon on the beach, and the rain when we arrived only dampened our clothes not our spirits!

Tonight the children have enjoyed the nightline and the adults have had just as much fun as the children listening to them giving each other slightly bizarre instructions!

Class 5 weekly update

Well done class 5 on a great week.

Our focus in English has been on letter writing. The children briefly recapped the features of a letter before planning out the content for their work. They moved onto writing an initial first draft using a layout guide, their individual plans and the class novel to help them. After that they evaluated their work along with peer assessment and using marking comments. The children then edited and improved their draft to create the final version of their letter. Next week our topic will be descriptive writing and the children will be re-writing a chapter of the book.

In Maths the children have been working really hard on fractions. We have used our  knowledge of the relationships between numbers to convert fractions so that they have a common denominator. This has then enabled the children to compare and order the fractions, using mathematical symbols. The children have utilised written calculation alongside visual representations of fractions really accurately and efficiently during this week. We have then moved onto adding and subtracting fractions that have a common denominator as well as fractions that don’t, using multiplication and division to find the best solution for converting fractions so that they can be added or subtracted. We will be continuing with this topic next week.

Please note that our weekly spelling test will take place next Thursday (16th) because of the Arthog trip on Friday.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, see you next week.

Mr Sudlow.