Testing Drinks

Class 5 have been putting their taste buds to good use this morning, in preparation for designing and making their own healthy drinks in design and technology.  Some drinks were less well-received than others but, when it comes to knowing their blueberries from their cranberries, I seem to have a very knowledgeable class! Later this week we will investigate different fruits and food products for using in healthy drinks.

There are a couple of ‘classic’ photos below…!

Class 5 News

Thank you for all your contributions to yesterday’s party. Hopefully your child’s energy levels, from rather a lot of sugar, were starting to fall by the time they arrived home!

As your child may have told you last night, Oliver has been absent for most of this week after quite a nasty accident on his trampoline on Tuesday evening. We are looking forward to seeing him back in school next week and I know Class 5 are all keen to look out for him and help him in any way they can.

Many thanks.

Class 5 SATs Party

As in previous years, I would like to do a party on Friday afternoon (in school time) to reward Year 6s for their hard work this week and also to say thank you to Year 5s for ‘coping’ with the changes to the timetable.  I would be really grateful if Class 5 children could bring in something to eat or drink e.g. cakes, biscuits, crisps (I know these don’t sound very healthy but it’s what the children deserve this week!)

They may also bring in casual clothes to change into for the afternoon, if they wish.

Thank you for your support this week and in the past few months in the build up to SATs.  It really has made a difference and I know your child/children have benefited from it.

Mrs Natalie Johnson

Class 5’s Mystery Prize Revealed

Class 5 were set the task of writing instructions to reach a mystery prize on the playground and for the past 9 days they have been kept waiting to open it. On Friday, they were set one last task in order for it to be opened and were asked to write how they were feeling as they waited. With the clock ticking, you could feel the anticipation in the air which I admit to making worse by placing the box on each table in turn!

Many predictions were made about the contents of the box including sweets, a DVD, more arrows for their Z-Curve Bow and even an iPad! Well done to the children who suspected that I had bought more arrows for the bow!

Class 5’s Reward

As mentioned in last week’s Class 5 News, I promised to buy Class 5 children a Z-Curve Bow if their letters managed to persuade me.  They wrote some fantastic letters and the majority were convincing enough for me to keep my promise; I did regret, however,deciding to write a personal reply to every letter!

This week they came up with even more ideas of how they could use the bow in school and enjoyed trying it out on Friday. Before starting they even reviewed how easy it was to get out of the packaging, just like the video review we watched on YouTube.  It certainly lives up to its name of being able to fire up to 40 metres, as they ran out of tape measure for some children’s shots!

You can see how much fun they had, although there are some pretty strange expressions in some of the photos…

Sewing Club

Due to a few technology hitches, we have been unable to upload photos from the iPads (including those taken at Sewing Club.) Thankfully we have at last found a way  – we’re sure you’ll agree they were worth the wait!


Class 5 News – week ending Friday 2nd May

Class 5 children certainly came back raring to go after the Easter holidays!

In Literacy, most of our writing activities have been themed around a new toy, the Zing Air Storm Z-Curve Bow, which children seemed to really enjoy.  They wrote a review for the Zing manufacturer/retailers, the script for a radio advert and a letter to persuade me why I should buy Class 5 a Z-Curve Bow. They also wrote instructions to get to a mystery prize on the playground, the contents of which will be revealed this week! If they have been successful in persuading me to part with my cash, they will be planning activities this week involving the toy so watch this space…

In Numeracy we looked at how factors can make multiplying 2- or 3-digit numbers easier and revised different written methods of multiplication. This week we will revisit different methods of division and the association with multiplication.

Other highlights including planning and carrying out a quick investigation in Science involving carrier bags, practical tasks creating shelter structures and starting a new P.E. unit on volleyball.

Well done Class 5 for working so enthusiastically – keep it up!

Photo Club do Football!

OK so we didn’t play but we went to Football Club and pretended to be Sport news photographers.  Ernie and Ellla discovered how tricky it is to get good photos with usable backgrounds when your subjects don’t keep still!  They got lots of practise and trying to be prepared and grab the shot in the moment.  In the end they did get some fabulous photos too.  Well done to both of them!

Class 5 Easter homework – well done!

I just wanted to say well done to Class 5 children on their fantastic effort with their Easter homework. Their postcards from Brazil really showed what they have learnt during our topic and made me want to visit!

Well done also to Year 6s for getting stuck into the revision activities I gave out; we’ve started to work through these today and I will be setting further small tasks for Year 6s to do up until SATs week (May 12th onwards.)

Thank you for supporting your child with their homework tasks which is a great help to me, as well as your child.

Photo Club country excursion

Ernie and Ella came to the last Photoclub of this term.  They chose their activity for our last week and we went off premises to get landscape and country photos.  We walked a similar route to the Cross Country Club taking in the woods, fields and farm animals including baby goats and Mrs Ross’ horses.  The sun shone and we all had a great time.  Have a great Easter!