Class 5 News

Year 6s have certainly shown today that they are ready to take on the responsibility of ‘being Year 6s’ and Year 5 children seem to be settling into Class 5 well – so far so good!

As your child may have already come home and explained, Mrs Chadwick will be leaving to go on maternity leave in a matter of weeks so will be teaching Class 5 with myself for the next few weeks. Mr Kelly will also be teaching in Class 5 on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.

Should you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Thanks for your support.

Mrs Natalie Johnson

London Photos – Better Late Than Never!

Apologies for not uploading these sooner. I uploaded the photos of the Year 6 Leavers party but ran out of time, in the last week of term, to look through the photos of our visit to the Natural History Museum!

Thank You!

Apologies for not having put a post on here sooner but I would like to say a huge and overdue thank you for your wonderful gifts and kind messages in my cards. Your support this year has been much appreciated and I am extremely grateful to parents and families who have given up their time to support the School in so many different ways.

I feel very lucky to have taught the Year 6 children over the past two years and wish them the very best of luck at their different secondary schools. As for my ‘new’ Year 6s and Year 5s don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you – I am looking forward to teaching you next year!
I hope you have enjoyed the first week of the holidays and wish you all a fantastic summer!
Mrs Johnson

Year 6 Leavers’ Party

We had a fantastic time this afternoon at AMF bowling, before dining out at Pizza Hut. The children were very excited when their limousines arrived to whisk them off around Shrewsbury berore returning to School.  We have a feeling the driver of the girls’ limo may have needed a lie down in a very dark room after being subjected to their screams for the best part of an hour! 

Once the Year 6s arrived back at School, even more excitement awaited when they found their leavers hoodies waiting for them. A certain young man was so excited that he threw his hoodie into the air in delight, whilst running up the corridor, and it had to be retrieved from the ceiling – spot the photo!

Thank you Year 6s for such a wonderful afternoon and to parents for letting us enjoy the children’s company for one last time!

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Hughes



Photography Club Party – Wednesday 16th July!

All the kids who have done photography club since September 2013 are invited to attend our Summer Photography Party – our chocolate fountain party!  Please bring your favourite things to dip in melted chocolate & don’t forget a change of clothes – anything you like!

Summer chocolate party2014I apologise to parents in advance for returning their children high on chocolate but I promise they will have loads of fun.  See you there 3.15pm to 4.30pm on Wednesday 16th July.

Spanish Taster

Last Friday afternoon, Class 5 were lucky enough to receive a taster Spanish lesson with Jesús teaching the class.  He taught the other children a range of everyday vocabulary and even tested them at the end of the lesson – well done Jesús!