Carding Mill Valley

Photos from our Carding Mill Valley trip.



Mrs Johnson’s Welly

A surprising moment during Class 5’s trip to Carding Mill Valley today when water started leaking out of Mrs Johnson’s welly!

Arthog gorge walking – Mrs Johnson’s group

Year 5 Presentations

Today the Year 5s presented their work to the rest of Class 5.  We have been very impressed with how hard the year 5 children have worked this week.  They have worked in groups to research volcanoes and could present it in any way they liked.  We were all very entertained by what they showed us!IMG_1059[1] IMG_1077[1] IMG_1092[1] IMG_1102[1] IMG_1105[1] IMG_1112[1]

Sewing Club

IMG_1387[1] IMG_1392[1] IMG_1393[1] IMG_1399[1]Sophie finished her beautiful patchwork cushion.

All the other children are busy creating their crafty dolls.  We are looking forward to seeing the finished products very soon!

RE Club

Mrs J will be running an RE Club for Class 5 after school on Fridays until 4.15pm starting this week, 24th April.

Sewing Club’s Patchwork Gallery

Sewing Club have been busy finishing their patchwork creations last week and today and are deservedly proud of their work!


Class 5 Easter Celebration Assembly

Class 5 Celebration Assembly

Please could Class 5 children remember to come to school on Friday wearing their clothes for Celebration Assembly.  They have been asked to wear a  checked or plain shirt, jeans and to bring a cowboy hat if they have one.  They do not need to bring their uniform to change into afterwards but they will still need their PE kit for after lunch.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Sewing Club Spring 2015

This term, Sewing Club have been busy working on patchwork. Judging by the photos, they are also learning to multi-task – it seems to be quite a social event!