Cross Country 10.03.17

We had a fantastic cross country session tonight and 47 children, over a third of the school, took part. The lovely, mild weather saw many children having to remove layers as you can see in the photo which was completely unrehearsed and I just happened to run past as some of the Class 1 girls were taking a breather! Soon after, the top of the goal post was completely obscured with many more sweatshirts and jackets being discarded!


Never a dull day…

It’s certainly never a dull day at Bicton, as you can see from the gallery below!  We had some unexpected visitors shortly after 7:30 this morning so it was quite an experience for the staff as well as the children arriving for Breakfast Club.

Thankfully Mrs Ross and Mrs Hill came to the rescue and stepped in to escort the horses back to their field, accompanied by Miss Moran (in some very inappropriate footwear!)  – thank you ladies 🙂 Thank you to the children for being so sensible and to all the staff who directed traffic, escorted children safely past the horses and for cleaning up what the horses left behind!

Extra SATs Booster

Due to several Year 6 children taking part in the Sportshall Athletics at The Corbet on Monday after school, we are running an extra SATs Booster next week on Tuesday from 3:15 – 4:30.  This is so that the children who are taking part in the Corbet event do not miss out.  Children who come to SATs Booster on Monday are also welcome to attend on Tuesday, if they wish, but this is entirely optional.  The only thing we ask is that Year 6s attend at least one Booster session next week.

Thank to the Year 6s for agreeing to take part in the Sportshall athletics at the last minute – we are very grateful!

Mrs Johnson and Miss Moran

Tag Rugby

Well done to the Year 6s who took part in the tag rugby tournament earlier this week.  They finished 3rd out of the 7 schools taking part and there was some pretty nifty footwork on show by all accounts!

Class 5 Y5s orienteering

In the last week of term, a group of Year 5s braved the very sunny weather to do some orienteering around Bicton village. One of the checkpoints proved very difficult to find!

The Queen’s Birthday Celebrations

We all had great fun celebrating the Queen’s birthday today. We had singing, a hat parade and competition, delicious food and the Queen herself even made an appearance!! We would like to say a big thank you for all the donations of food and drinks, we really appreciate it.


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Dodgeball at Corbet

 Well done to all the children who played Dodgeball at Corbet on Thursday!   


We would just like to say a massive thank you to all children and parents who made, bought and donated cakes and biscuits to our sale today.

Thank you also to the co-op who donated boxes of buns for us to sell.

In addition to this, many children brought money to spend and Class 4’s cake sale was a roaring success!

We will let you know exactly how much was raised and children in Class 4 will help decide exactly which natural disaster charity we will send the money to.