Nativity and Christmas Concert Performances

Dear Parents/Carers,

The update on the Nativity and Christmas Concert performances is that we will be putting them on in January and we will let you know the dates as soon as they have been arranged. The children have worked hard to prepare for them and we would like to celebrate their hard work, even if it is after the Christmas celebrations. Thank you for your support .

Fire Service Carol Service

Please could the choir children who received a letter about the Fire Service Carol Service please ensure they bring their permission slips back tomorrow so we can confirm numbers.

Thank you.

Class 5 Weekly Update


This week we began our final piece of writing linked to our novel ‘Macbeth’. We read to the end of the story, and have begun planning and drafting our own version of the final chapter. So far, we have written the introduction and build up to the final battle scene. We have been thinking about the types of words and phrases we can use to extend our writing such as prepositional phrases, adverbial phrases, and expanded noun phrases, and the children are using some fantastic examples in their writing.

The children also wrote a review of the story, giving a story summary, their own opinions on the text and recommendations for readers.

Next week we are going to have an increased focus on spelling and punctuation, to ensure that this matches the excellent content.


We have now started looking at the link between fractions and decimals. We began the week by counting in decimal steps, and some children were able to find equivalent fractions and decimals. We then looked at the place value of decimal numbers, and some children began to look at how to convert fractions to decimals when the denominator isn’t a multiple of 10. We have finished the week by working on decimal multiplication (Year 6), and by ordering and comparing decimals based on their place value (Year 5).


In P.E this week the children took part in outdoor athletics with Mr Steed.

We have spent a lot of time rehearsing for the Christmas Concert this week. The children are very excited and are looking forward to showing everyone the result of their hard work!

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we have been looking at persuasive writing. We looked at examples of persuasive letters and discussed the persuasive features we could see. We then ‘boxed up’ our own plan for a persuasive letter, before drafting and redrafting. We were writing in role as one of Macbeth’s supporters trying to persuade him to go into battle with Macduff’s army. We finished the week with a trip to the woods, where we re-enacted some of the battle scenes and camouflaged ourselves within the forest as Macduff’s soldiers do in the story.

We focused on our spelling of homophones and accurate punctuation this week. The children are getting really confident with using semi-colons and colons accurately in their writing.


We have continued our work on fractions this week. We have been finding fractions of numbers using bar modelling, and finding a starting number after being given what a fraction of the number is. Some children applied this to solving problems and reasoning. Year 5 have had a problem solving week, and have been trying different strategies to solve some really tricky problems.


In Science, we have been looking at the classification of living things. We watched a short video about Carl Linnaeus, and how he invented the classification system. The children did a really challenging activity where they had to sort groups of organisms into their similar features, e.g. by kingdom, phylum, class etc. They really enjoyed this and have created some interesting classification diagrams.


In R.E this week we continued our topic on Incarnation. The children discussed why God sent Jesus to the world, which prompted some brilliant discussion about what Jesus has done for us and God’s plans for us.


In P.E this week the children took part in indoor athletics with Miss Hall.

Happy Birthday Mrs J!

Mrs J is celebrating a very special birthday today! Some of the choir children from Class 5 surprised her in the staff room at lunchtime by singing ‘Celebration’ to her with some added extras of classic Mrs J lines! Happy Birthday Mrs J!


Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we have drafted, edited and published a piece of poetry, based on the witches prophesy in Macbeth. The children were using personification, metaphors, similes, alliteration, and lots of other fantastic poetry features. We then had a session where the children performed their poem to either a peer or the whole class, and were given feedback from their classmates. They all worked really hard on these and produced some excellent poems.

With Mrs J, the children looked again at semi-colons, colons and dashes. They all feel much more confident with when to use these, and it has been lovely to see some in their poems this week.


We have continued our work on fractions this week. We began the week by subtracting fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number. We then moved on to multiplying fractions by whole numbers (Year 5), and multiplying fractions by fractions (Year 6). Year 6 also completed some of the SAT sample papers this week. Once they have all been completed, I will send home copies of the papers so that parents can become familiar with the expectations for the end of Year 6.


In Science, the children have drafted and published their own ‘Just so’ stories. These are fantastic and the children really enjoyed writing and illustrating these. Some are now on display in the classroom.


In P.E this week the children took part in their NSPCC ‘Big Buddy Workout’ challenge. The class voted for a dodgeball tournament, and they all really enjoyed playing in their teams on Thursday with Mrs J. They were all brilliant team-players and had a fantastic afternoon.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we have been planning a piece of poetry based on the witches prophesy in Macbeth. We have looked at similes, metaphors and personification, and the children looked at a range of poetry and spotted as many poetic features as they could. They then created their own mind map of ideas that would create strong imagery for the reader, ready to start drafting their poems next week.

We also began looking at colons, semi-colons and dashes, and when to use which in our writing. We found this quite challenging, and will continue practising this next week.


We have had another good week learning about fractions in maths. We started the week adding fractions with the same denominator (Year 5), and adding fractions with denominators that are multiples of each other (Year 6). The children are getting good at giving fractions a common denominator in order to compare them, add or subtract them. We then moved on to adding mixed numbers and showing our calculations as bar models, and then as jumps on a number line. The children have done really well with this and most feel confident in this area.


In Science, we are reaching the end of evolution and inheritance unit, and the children began planning their own ‘Just so’ story, based on the stories by Rudyard Kipling. They each chose an animal, and then had to research a physical characteristic of that animal and create a fictional story explaining how the animal got that physical characteristic. They are in the midst of writing their final versions, and we hope to finish these off next week.


In D.T this week the children evaluated the bread rolls that they made before half term. They described the appearance, taste and texture of their rolls, what they liked and disliked, and what they would do differently if they were making them again.


In R.E this week, we have continued our topic of Incarnation. The children have been discussing how important Jesus is to Christians. They discussed all the different names that Jesus is known by, and recorded these names and all the different qualities that support these names.


In P.E this week, the children continued their football sessions with Mr Steed on the field.  As part of the NSPCC ‘Buddy’s Big Work Out’, the children have decided to have a sponsored dodgeball tournament . We will be doing this in next week’s PE session.

Class 5 Weekly Update


We began this week in English with an exciting invitation to a feast held by Lady Macbeth in the Great Hall. We all sat down to enjoy food and drink when Macbeth (Mrs J), began to act very strangely… We discussed what was happening to Macbeth and decided that all of his crimes were causing him to become insane. We then planned, drafted and published an essay based on how the insanity of Macbeth becomes more and more apparent as the story goes on. The children worked extremely hard on these and should be very proud of the fantastic writing they produced.

We also learned about the active and passive voice in our GPS session, and the children converted sentences from active to passive.


We began a new unit on fractions this week. The children began the week by using bar models to simplify fractions, and show equivalent fractions using bar models. Year 6 then moved on to converting mixed numbers and improper fractions, and creating addition and subtraction number sentences showing these. Year 5 compared fractions by converting them so that they have a common denominator.


We have continued with our topic of Evolution and Inheritance this week. We looked at human evolution, and where Scientists discovered what they know about human evolution. We looked at an image of the earliest fossil that showed Bipedal walking, and talked about the advantages of humans evolving to walk on two feet. The children then investigated the evolution of flight, and how Cladograms can be used to show evolutionary relationships. They then created their own cladograms showing the relationships between different living organisms by considering their shared characteristics.


In R.E this week, we introduced our new topic which is ‘The Big Story’ in Christianity. This week, we looked at what the Old Testament said about Jesus. The children wrote their own section of the Old Testament and the class created an amazing mind map of words and phrases to describe Jesus.


In P.E this week, the children began the unit of football with Mr Steed. Next week, please can all children bring in footwear suitable for wearing on the school field. The children have also been asked as part of next week’s PE session to consider different types of dancing ready for our dance unit with Mrs J.

Class 5 Harvest Assembly Performance

Class 5 Update

Firstly, I’d like to say a big well done to all of the children for their Celebration Assembly performance!  They all did brilliantly and it was lovely to see so many family and friends there.


In English this week the children completed an independent write, writing a soliloquy as one of the characters in Macbeth.  It was wonderful to see how much progress they have made since September.  They also completed a reading comprehension and a grammar quiz.


In maths this week, the children have been using their reasoning skills to solve problems.  We have also been revising units from the first half of the term, ready to start our work on fractions after half term.


The children have enjoyed baking their bread rolls this week.  They worked in pairs following their own recipes, and enjoying having a sample of their goods this afternoon!


This week the children supported the learning of the Class 3 children, creating short role plays depicting the story of Christmas.  We discussed who Jesus was and started explaining why he is so special.  This is in preparation for next half term’s RE topic of Creation in Christianity.