Year 6 SATs Results – Tuesday 10th July

There seems to have been some confusion over children receiving their SATs results on Tuesday.  As many of the Year 6s are at The Corbet tomorrow, I very kindly offered to give them their results at the end of the day tomorrow rather than them wait until Wednesday.  This is completely optional and children are welcome to wait until Wednesday morning.

Thank you.

Class 5 update

Class 5 have had a busy week with many children involved in Arthog, the Brass Extravaganza and the Area Sports.


This week the children prepared for and carried out a debate on where the character Willie from Goodnight Mr Tom should be placed following his stay in hospital.  All of the children joined in well.


The children did some work on circles such as measuring the radius, diameter and circumference.  The Year 5 children have done some problem solving this week involving decimals and percentages.


The children have learnt about Anne Frank by reading extracts from her diary and exploring her secret annex online.


Children not out at Arthog have carried out a project on colour blindness.

Brass Extravaganza

Well done to all the children who took part in the annual Brass Extravaganza at Theatre Severn and fir their fabulous performance. We were even entertained with an impromptu dance performance led by George whilst waiting to go on stage!

Thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy the evening.


Fun on the Dysynni

After a morning of gorge walking, Mrs Johnson’s and Mrs J’s group made the most of the sunshine and had lots of fun on the Dysynni.

Class 5 update 22.06.18


In English this week, children have written newspaper reports focusing on the search for and subsequent rescue of Willie from his home in London.  Next week we will be using Willie’s holiday at the seaside with Mister Tom, as a focus for poetry writing.


We have continued with our work on line graphs. This has included solving problems on graphs with several lines, suggesting contexts for given graphs without labels and titles and also creating our own line graphs to show how food prices have risen over the years.


In science we have started to learn about how the human eye works and the different functions of each part of the eye.  We will continue with this next week and start to discuss colour blindness and also how periscopes work.


We have continued with our research on the role of the Home Guard during World War 2.

Sports Day

Just a reminder that all children will need to bring a hat and drinks bottle for Sports Day on Tuesday. Children may come to school wearing their PE kit and trainers and they do not have to bring uniform to change back into at lunchtime unless they want to.  Please can all children have sun cream applied before coming to school. Thank you.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mrs J

Videos: Bicton Choir at Concord College Choir Competition

Our choir did an amazing job at entertaining the audience at Concord College yesterday.

Every school were given the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams to perform and in addition to that we were allowed to choose an additional song from within the theme of ‘Pop songs’

We chose the pop song ‘Reach’ by S Club 7 which the choir performed extremely well.  We received lots of praise from the judge who loved the happiness of our choir and the high standard of their performance. He said that he had found it very difficult to choose between us and the winning choir (who’s pop song choice was ‘Sing’ from the Military Wives choir at the Commonwealth Games, which sounded fantastic!). Many parents and teachers from the audience commended our choir’s performance at the end which certainly made us all feel like winners!

Here are the videos of our performances



Concord Choir Competition

I would just like to say a very big WELL DONE to the children who took part in the Concord College Choir Competition today. They made us all very proud and had fantastic comments from the judges, parents and the other schools participating.

I would also like to say a very big THANK YOU to Mr Williams who has been fantastic at helping to prepare the children for this competition.

Keep a look out on the school choir page for the videos from today!