Award Winners

Well done to this weeks award winners!

Linda for showing amazing learning in phonics.

Christian for always being kind and respectful.

Hannah for showing joy during our pond dipping session on our school trip to Preston Montford.

Joshua for always trying his best in English.

Niamh for writing amazing poems in English.

Elliot for always having a positive attitude.

Arthog 2025 Day 2 – Wet!

Arthog payments

We have a number of outstanding payments for the Arthog trip. The first two payments of £40 were due on 1st December and 1st January. Please can all parents/carers ensure they are up to date with payments.

Mrs Mavin

Mr Harris – Team building

Miss Nagington – Team building

Mr Andrews – Team building

Parent Drop-Ins

Good afternoon parents/carers,
We have a slight timetable clash with our parent drop-ins on Wednesday 23rd October.
Each class will be showcasing their PE dance performances at 2.45pm – 3.15pm in the hall so the parent drop-ins will be from 2-2.30pm and 3.30-5.30pm.
Many thanks, Mrs Mavin

Year 6s’ Visit to Theatre Severn

Year 6 had a great time at the BookFest award ceremony on Tuesday, where they heard from different authors about the inspiration behind their books.
Huge congratulations to Ashanti and Oscar L who won prizes in the art and letter writing competitions!