Spelling patterns 10.2.20

Class 4’s spelling patterns for this week are as follows:

Surfers (year4): using prefix sub- (meaning under) and super- (meaning above) For example subway, submerge, supervise, superpower

Seals (year 3): creating negative meanings using prefix dis. For example disappear, disobey, disagree

Waves (year 4): ‘aw’ phoneme. For example lawn, claw, saw

Spelling patterns- week commencing 03.02.20

Class 4’s spelling patterns for this week are as follows:

Surfers (Year 4) – nouns ending in the suffix -ation. Eg vibration, dedication, creation.

Seals (Year 3) – creating negative meaning using prefix mis-. Eg misspell, misuse, mistrust.

Waves (Year 4) – phoneme ‘ew’. Eg few, stew, blew, threw.

Spelling patterns- week commencing 27/01/20

This week Class 4 are practising the following spelling patterns :

Year 3 (seals)- adding suffixes (ed, er, ing, en) doubling the consonant. For example- beginner, occurring, forbidden.

Year 4 (surfers)- nouns ending in the suffix -ation. For example- education, location, information.

Year 4 (waves)- ’ue’ phoneme. For example- blue, Tuesday, clueless.

Spelling patterns- week commencing 20/01/20

Class 4’s spelling patterns for this week are as follows:

Year 3 (seals)- adding suffixes beginning with a vowel (ed, er, ing) not doubling the consonant. For example- gardener, walking, focused, limiting.

Year 4 (surfers)- phonemes and near phonemes. For example- check, cheque, cereal, serial.

Year 4 (waves)- ‘ir’ phoneme. For example- bird, girl, birthday, dirty.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 13.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly (exceptions to the rule)  e.g. truly, duly, wholly,  fully, daily, publicly, dryly, slyly, shyly, coyly.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory word list (and words derived from these root words) e.g. interest, interested, experiment, experimenting, imagine, imagination,  promise, promised, increase, increasing.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oy’ phoneme  e.g. oyster, royal, loyal, joy, decoy, ahoy, enjoy, annoy, cowboy, toys.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 06.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly where the root word ends in ‘ic’ or ‘al’ e.g. basically, frantically, dramatically, magically, tragically, comically, actually, accidentally, occasionally, eventually.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words with ‘ough’ to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound e.g. though, although, dough, through, breakthrough, thought, bought, brought, fought

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oa’ phoneme e.g. loaded, soaked, foal, foaming, groan, boasting, coast, roasted, toasted, floating.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 29.11.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs by adding the suffix -ly to root words ending in ‘le’ (replace the final ‘e’ with a ‘y’) e.g. gently, simply, humbly, legibly, horribly, terribly, possibly, incredibly, comfortably, probably.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words with a /shuhn/ sound spelt with ‘cian’ (if the root word ends in ‘c’ or ‘cs’) e.g. musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician, dietician, statistician,  technician, clinician, optician.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oi’ phoneme e.g. oil, boil, soil, foil, spoil, coin, join, loin, point, noise.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 22.11.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs by adding the suffix –ly to root words ending in ‘y’ with more than one syllable (change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ then add ‘ly’ – happy to happily) e.g. happily, angrily, lazily, easily, busily, greedily, messily, wearily, cheekily,  clumsily.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words with a /shuhn/ sound spelt with ‘tion’ (if the root word ends in ‘te’ or ‘t’ or has no definite root word) e.g. invention, injection, action, question, mention, attraction,  translation, devotion, position, solution.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘ow’ phoneme e.g. down, gown, frown, clown, town, howl, growl, owl, now, how.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 15.11.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Adverbs created by adding the suffix –ly to adjectives where the root word is not changed e.g. kindly, quickly, safely, rudely, sweetly, strongly, bravely, secretly, finally, usually.

Year 4 Surfers

Words with a /shuhn/ sound spelt with ‘ssion’ (if the root word ends in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’) e.g. expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission, transmission, possession, profession, depression, impression.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘z’ sound spelt ‘zz’ e.g. jazz, jazzy, buzz, buzzed, dizzy, fizz, fizzy, fizzed, fizzing, fuzzy.

New! Class 4 spellings for 08.11.19

Class 4 children impressed us with how they tried to learn their new spelling words in the last week of term but we have decided to revisit these spelling patterns and words when we return after the half-term holiday and we will retest children on Friday 8th November.

Here’s a reminder below of their spelling patterns / words.

Year 3 – Seals: Year 3 and 4 statutory words. The words chosen are a sample of these 100 words which we are using frequently in Class 4 this term. (See link below for the full list of words.) although, appear, decide, describe, different, difficult, group, material, notice, through.

Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Year 4 – Surfers: More words with /shun/ endings spelt with ‘sion’ (if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ or ‘d’) e.g. expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, corrosion,  supervision, fusion,  conclusion, persuasion, suspension.

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the ‘igh’ phoneme e.g. bright, fight, high, light, might, night
sigh, sight, thigh, tight.