Friday morning – Jousting


Thursday afternoon – Caving













Rifles and more smiley faces!


Thursday morning canoeing




Wednesday night – Dodgeball


Wednesday afternoon – Zipwire


Wednesday afternoon archery


Cross Country 20th March 2015

We’ve had a great turn out in Cross Country this term and here’s a snapshot of our last run before the Easter holidays! 


Class 4 Celebration Assembly

Dear Parents/Carers,

In preparation for our celebration assembly I have asked the children to bring in a white t-shirt (preferably large/adult size) and a tea towel. If children who were in class 4 last year still have their Greek costumes then they could bring these in to wear. I am aware these seem odd requests but all shall be revealed at our celebration assembly on Friday!

I apologise for the short notice, please do not go out and buy a t-shirt especially, if you don’t have one don’t worry, if your child could just come in with a tea towel that will be fine.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you at celebration assembly!

Miss Barratt