Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the half term break we would like children to present a non-chronological report on a topic of their choice.

We have talked a lot about them in English over the past few weeks and the children have all written their own reports about Sound. All children should be aware of the different features that they need to include and ways they can make their report interesting and attractive for the reader.

Children can choose to present their reports on the computer, on paper or as a booklet. If children need any resources to help them with this homework, please ask an adult in Class 4 before we break up on Friday.

If there are any queries please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Thank you for your support,
Mrs Chadwick

Celebration Assembly

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next Friday will be celebration assembly and Class 4 are going to link their performance to the Stone Age. Over the next few days we will be sending bits home for children to learn in addition to the Cave Baby song by Julia Donaldson. We have included a link to this on YouTube and would be grateful if children could learn this at home this week.

Cave Baby Song

We would also like children to bring and wear a Stone Age costume. We have included some ideas below. (Children will be able to wear their costumes again for Stone Age Day next half term!) If you don’t have any fur or animal print at home, old dark cloths will be fine!

This will take the place of homework this week.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

Great Shrewsbury Run at Prestfelde 

A group of 7 children went along to Prestfelde on Friday to see how many kilometres they could clock up in their 45 minutes slot. Between us we managed 35k and everyone really got into the spirit of the event running alongside children from Prestfelde and several other schools.  The children then went straight back to Bicton and took part in our school sponsored walk – I imagine they all slept very well!

Class 4 Sewing Club

Class 4 sewing club have been busy practising a variety of stitches and are now working on initial cushions and crafty dolls.



Dobbies Performance

Well done to all the choir children who performed a wonderful medley of Christmas songs at Dobbies on Thursday evening.  Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and family members who came along to watch and for being such a great audience.  Apologies for the party blowers in the goodie bags from Dobbies – thankfully they didn’t make it into school!

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Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,
On Wednesday children took home French homework to be brought back to school by Wednesday 14th October.

We have covered most of the words in the activity but they are free to use the Internet or French dictionaries for words the don’t know or can’t remember.

If there are any queries please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Thank you for your support,
Mrs ChadwicK

Cave paintings

Class 4 have been learning about cave paintings from the stone age this term.  On Friday they used their knowledge to produce some cave paintings outside, using coloured chalks.  They had lots of fun and produced some excellent drawings.

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