Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Science homework has been sent home tonight to be returned to school by next Wednesday 9th December.

Children are required to complete the first side of the sheet which is about light in the kitchen. On the other side there is an additional investigation which they can have a go at if they/you wish.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick

Medal Winners 27.11.15



Congratulations to this week’s medal winners!

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Homework for this week is to practise the vertical method for subtraction.

In class we have gone back over the expanded vertical method using 3 and 4-digit numbers as some children were not secure with borrowing/exchanging.

I would like children to use the following website to support their learning in school:

It is up to the children which level they want to play at but all questions should involve borrowing.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tonight children have taken home English homework. There are a variety of activities on the worksheet where children have to think about selecting the most appropriate adjectives.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick

Science afternoon

This half term Class 4 are learning about the topic of light in our science lessons.  This week they explored shadows.  They were challenged to make different shapes on the playground with their shadows.  They then worked in groups to make shadow puppet theatres to tell a story.  Great work Class 4!!

School Council

This week the Co-op invited our School Council to their store.  The children had a great afternoon tasting produce, stacking shelves, sorting displays and exploring the store.  They learnt lots about supermarkets that they did not already know!


Medal Winners


Well done to our medal winners above from Friday 6th November.


Congratulations to the 6 children who raised the most money for the Great Shrewsbury Run and received a t-shirt last week from the event organisers.


Well done to this week’s medal winners – quite a range of outfits today!



Chocolate Bear Competition

As part of our fund raising for Children In Need, Brill Club (R.E.Club) have a competition that they will be running all day on Friday 13th and after school (on the playground.) Guess How Many Bears In The Jar. It will cost 20p a go and the person with the correct amount (or nearest) will win a gold Lindt chocolate Bear.




Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, thank you for the effort that was put into the holiday homework. There is a vast range of non-chronological reports that we have decided to display in the corridor. Please feel free to come and have a look.

Children have taken home Topic homework tonight to be brought back to school by next Wednesday. They have been given some information to read about Stone Age homes. They must draw each type of home and label the materials used to construct it.

We have also planned a Stone Age Day for Wednesday 2nd December. Please can children wear their Stone Age costumes on that day. We will be doing lots of different activities related to our topic.

If you have any questions, please speak to either teacher.

Many thanks,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster