Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

This term our topic is Extreme Earth. We will be learning about Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Biomes and the physical geography related to these. We have put up a display in the classroom. We would like to add current or recent natural disasters to this from around the world.

We would like children to research an event from the last year and find out what happened and why this may have occurred.

They can present their information on a piece of paper no bigger than A4 to be added to the display.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster


Choir thank you

Dear Parents/Carers,

Just a note to say a huge thank you for all your support with choir over this term. I really appreciate the effort you have made to bring your children to the recent events. It’s so lovely that they have opportunities to show off their hard work through different performances.

Thank you again,

Miss Barratt

Bicton School Magazine

Dear Parents and Carers,

Magazine club have spent this term making their own magazine. They have worked really hard and all contents of the magazine are the children’s ideas and contributions. It includes games, puzzles, colouring pages, teacher interviews, club reviews along with some other bits and bobs.

We will be selling copies of the magazine tomorrow at playtimes for 30p. If your child would like to buy one then please ensure they bring their money to school tomorrow.

Many thanks,

Miss Barratt and Mrs Conde.

Choir at St Chads

Just a reminder about the choir singing at St. Chads this evening – we are due to sing at 4:30pm so please could you ensure your child is there for this time so we can start promptly. We will be singing for half an hour. Children will need to be in their school uniform.

Many thanks,

Miss Barratt

Coop Bauble Winners

Well done to all the children who entered the Coop’s Christmas bauble competition.  Congratulations to the individual class winners and also to an extra winner, Charlie B in Class 1, who the judges decided also deserved a prize.


Photo Club – Team party & Christmas Cards

Xmas party2015-IMG_1253

We had a great Photo Club Christmas party with bubbly drinks, Schloer & Vimto, games and crackers.

We were celebrating finishing our photo Christmas cards!  Violet, Jasmine, Freya, Maddy, Josh, Thomas & Luka took photos of our little christmas table top studio, I cut the images out digitally for them, they put them on fun internet sourced backgrounds & added greetings.  They look fantastic!  They will be on sale at the school Christmas Fayre – if you miss them there, you can get an order form from Class 4.  They will be printed to order at the beginning of next week.

Don’t the cards look great!  Well done to all the team.

Football Gallery

Well done to our Under 9 and Under 10 teams for their performances in the recent football tournaments at Sundorne Sports Village.  Jack was really impressed with their teamwork and attitude and congratulations to the U10s who made it through to the next round in January.

Thanks to all the parents who came to support the teams.

The U11s have a match on Wednesday 6th January and the children involved will be given a permission slip next week.

KS2 Christmas Party

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is our Christmas party next Tuesday afternoon (15th December). We would very much appreciate contributions of food for the party, there is a list on Class 4’s window for you to sign to say what you are bringing. You can bring the food in on the day itself or earlier if appropriate, just hand it to your child’s class teacher or send it in with your child if they go on the bus.

Please could you also ensure that on the day of your party your child brings in their party clothes to change into.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Chadwick, Mrs Foster and Miss Moran

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Wednesday we sent home a times table booklet. This will help children learn and keep track of the tables they know and need to work on. You can mark off any tables they have achieved at home but could we ask that the booklets are kept in children’s book bags as they may be collected in when needed.

Please note, homework and and spellings will not be given out over Christmas.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster


Stone Age Day

Please find below some of the photos from today’s Stone Age Day. Children made a real effort with their costumes and enjoyed the topic related activities. A really great day was had by all!!photo 2photo 1 photo 5 photo 4 photo 3 photo 5 photo 4 photo 3 photo 2 photo 1 photo 2