Home Learning- week commencing 18/5/20

Happy Monday Class 4!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Home learning for this week is attached. From this week, access to the White Rose Maths is restricted. As a school we have subscribed to the worksheets, the videos can still be accessed on the White Rose Maths website. Please watch the videos from week 4- 11/5/18 as we are a week behind.

Week 7- Home Learning

Year 3 White Rose Maths

Monday worksheet Monday answers

Tuesday worksheet Tuesday answers

Wednesday worksheet Wednesday answers

Thursday worksheet Thursday answers

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Monday worksheet Monday answers

Tuesday worksheet Tuesday answers

Wednesday worksheet Wednesday answers

Thursday worksheet Thursday answers

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping me updated with what you have been doing each week. I hope you find everything you need to support your child’s learning this week. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Mrs Erasmus

Home learning- week commencing 11/5/20

Good morning,

Please find the home learning pack for this week.

Week 6- Home Learning

Please complete as many activities that suit you at home, these are just to give you some ideas about the kind of things we would be looking at in school. From the emails I have received, I can see lots of you are doing different things that fit in with your family eg cooking, riding your bikes, learning about the weather. This is super! So although you might not be managing to complete the activities I have set you are providing extra learning opportunities for your children. Well done to you all!

If you haven’t done so already please see the previous post about reading. I am hoping you will all have time to recommend a book to the rest of class 4.

Remember, I do love receiving your emails and hearing what you have been doing each week so please continue to email me at class4@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

I hope you are all keeping safe and well,

Mrs Erasmus


Good afternoon children and parents,

Rising Stars

Firstly, those of you who have signed up to Rising Stars, thank you. I have been busy assigning lots of books to children. Can I remind you that alongside each book their is a quiz for your child to complete a ‘?’ symbol will pop up when there is a question to answer. Anyone who hasn’t made an account yet please let me know when you do so.

Book Recommendations

I have received lots of emails from parents asking to recommend books that are suitable for our class. This is great because it means lots of you are reading. Keep it up!

With this in mind, I thought it might be nice for the children to recommend a book they’ve read during quarantine and really enjoyed. I ask you to discuss this with your child so they have a good idea about why they think other children in their class would also enjoy the book and then complete a book review.

I am hoping you will have time to complete these and send them back to me, I can then put them together and share them with the whole class. Mrs Walton and I have completed a book review so you have an idea of how you could help.

I have added a little box at the end for the children to share a message with the rest of their class. This could be something they’ve achieved and are proud of during quarantine or just a message to make their class smile.

book recommendation

If possible please complete the sheet and send it back to me at class4@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk by 16.5.20 and then I can put them together and share it with you all. We hope you enjoy completing this activity and look forward to reading all of your recommendations and messages. 

Mrs Erasmus and Mrs Walton

Home Learning- week commencing 4/5/20

Good morning Class 4,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I received lots of amazing letters and pictures of your work last week which was great to see. You have been working really hard which is great to see. Keep up the super work!

For those of you who haven’t already signed up to Rising Stars please do so this week. Follow the link to make an account for your child to access texts and comprehension activities. Please remember to let me know once you have done this so I can assign your child a book. Thank you to those who have already done this.

Home learning for this week is attached bellow. From this week the layout of the home learning has changed. The new format provides a suggested activity for maths, writing, reading and spelling for each day. Please adapt it to suit you at home. As ever, please email me at class4@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk if there is anything I can help you with or if your child would like to share some work.

Week 5- Home Learning

Have a great week,

Mrs Erasmus

Home Learning- week commencing 27/4/20

Good morning, I hope you have had a successful first week of the summer term!

This week’s home learning is attached bellow. The school has subscribed to Rising Stars online which is a reading scheme we us in school. This allows access to a range of texts online which your child can read and then complete a comprehension task about. Please follow the link to the Rising Star website to make an account. Please let me know once you have made an account so I can assign a text for your child.

Week 4-Home Learning

Please contact me if there is anything else I can support you with. I hope to hear from you and your child soon.

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Erasmus

Home Learning- week commencing 20/04/20

Good morning Class 4 and welcome to the summer term! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have enjoyed the beautiful weather we have been so lucky to have.

For this week please see the attached document for some suggested activities. As it is a new term we would have started looking at new topics. I have included these in some of the foundation subjects projects.

Week 3- Home Learning

As usual please email me if you require any support. I will be looking forward to hearing about some of the exciting things you have been doing.

Have fun and keep safe!

Mrs Erasmus

Easter Holidays

Happy Easter holidays Class 4!

Firstly, a huge well done to you all for making it to the Easter holidays. I have been VERY impressed with your work and have loved hearing about what you have been doing. So many of you have gone above and beyond to make the most of this unusual time.

Please find suggested Easter activities set for the whole school in a separate post. As it is the Easter holidays I do not expect you to complete all of these activities but I have attached some tasks for you to have a go at, if you have time, over the next 2 weeks. I have also attached an Easter quiz for you to have a go at as a family. I hope you can spend this time with your family, making and sending Easter cards to loved ones, hopefully enjoying some time in the sunshine and of course indulging in a little bit of chocolate. 

Easter holiday activities

Easter quiz

Enjoy the next two weeks, I look forward to hearing about what you have been doing.

Mrs Erasmus


Home Learning- week commencing 30/3/20

Happy Monday Class 4!

A huge congratulations on making it through the first week. I hope you are getting to grips with the home learning and have been enjoying the lovely weather we have had.

Thank you to all of you who have sent me an update on what you have been doing. It has been wonderful to read about all of the exciting things you have achieved. If you didn’t have time to send an email last week, your child could do this as a writing activity for this week.

Attached are the suggested activities for you to complete this week. All of the activities are set out on the attachment with links to the websites to complete them. Please email me at class4@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk if you have any questions.

Home learning- week 2

Good luck, I hope you have a super week and I look forward to receiving your emails!!

Mrs Erasmus

Home Learning- week commencing 23/3/20

Good morning Class 4!!!

As this is so new to all of us, I have tried to make the activities as manageable as possible and suggested ways of carrying out the lessons, but please change and adapt them to suit you. If you have any questions please contact me on the class email- class4@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

Please find attached copies of activities for English and Maths. These activities can be completed throughout the week. On each document there are suggested activities and links to support and some worksheets are included in the home learning pack your child took home on Friday (these can also be downloaded from the website and printed off).

English ENGLISH reading- Stone Age ENGLISH sight and sound pictures ENGLISH Y3 and 4- Writing targets ENGLISH common exception words

 Maths MATHS 4 Times Tables – Question Booklet MATHS 8 times table Booklet

The following projects and activities can be completed throughout the next few weeks. I have attached information about the foundation subjects and the things we have already covered this term. There are some links to websites and programmes we use in school that will require your child’s individual login, these should be in the front of their reading diary.

Geograpghy GEOGRAPHYmap label activity 


Foundation subjects

I hope you all have a good week and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mrs Erasmus