Good afternoon children and parents,
Rising Stars
Firstly, those of you who have signed up to Rising Stars, thank you. I have been busy assigning lots of books to children. Can I remind you that alongside each book their is a quiz for your child to complete a ‘?’ symbol will pop up when there is a question to answer. Anyone who hasn’t made an account yet please let me know when you do so.
Book Recommendations
I have received lots of emails from parents asking to recommend books that are suitable for our class. This is great because it means lots of you are reading. Keep it up!
With this in mind, I thought it might be nice for the children to recommend a book they’ve read during quarantine and really enjoyed. I ask you to discuss this with your child so they have a good idea about why they think other children in their class would also enjoy the book and then complete a book review.
I am hoping you will have time to complete these and send them back to me, I can then put them together and share them with the whole class. Mrs Walton and I have completed a book review so you have an idea of how you could help.

I have added a little box at the end for the children to share a message with the rest of their class. This could be something they’ve achieved and are proud of during quarantine or just a message to make their class smile.
book recommendation
If possible please complete the sheet and send it back to me at by 16.5.20 and then I can put them together and share it with you all. We hope you enjoy completing this activity and look forward to reading all of your recommendations and messages.
Mrs Erasmus and Mrs Walton