Ancient Greek Day

Class 4 had lots of fun on their Ancient Greek Day.  They made traditional toys from clay, built a model of the Parthenon using card and art straws and decorated jars with mosaics.  To finish we had an Ancient Greek feast.

Many thanks to parents for all of your contributions of costumes, food and jam jars!

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Arthog photos

We took hundreds of photos over the weekend and have uploaded some of the best shots but there are many more that your child might like to save as a reminder of what a fantastic weekend we had.

If your child would like to bring a memory stick or CD into school, they are welcome to look at the other photos on the server and save any that they would like to keep.

Mrs Johnson’s group – Arthog 2016

Mrs J’s group – Arthog 2016

Arthog 2016 – fun on the beach (new)

Jack’s group – Arthog 2016

Friday activities at Arthog

The weather has been perfect today and we spent several rain-free hours on Fairbourne beach. After tea tonight, the children have done the night-line and as usual their navigation skills left quite a lot to be desired! 

Class 4 Ancient Greece Day

Dear Parents / Carers,

As part of our Ancient Greece Day next Wednesday 29th June, we are planning a Greek Feast!  To help us with this it would be a great help if you could contribute some food for the feast.  We have put a list of foods we would like to serve on the classroom window.  If you feel you are able to help, just sign your child’s name next to the item you are able to contribute.

Also, just a reminder that we would like the children to come into school dressed as Ancient Greeks on Wednesday if possible!

Many thanks for all of your support,

Mrs Foster and Mrs Chadwick

Spaghetti Maths 20.06.16

This week at Spaghetti Maths we considered the idea of patterns, both visual and numerical and the importance in mathematics to be able to recognise patterns. 
We had a look at the children’s ‘favourite times tables’ (yes they all seemed to have one!) and we found the ones they liked the most had nice patterns in them, such as the 10, 5, 9, 11; we are naturally drawn to patterns!
I then showed the children my favourite times table – the 1089 times table and we looked at the number patterns in that…..ask the kids for details.
They then all made a Spaghetti Maths ‘Number Flip’ a nice thing to make and use to practise questions and answers, most of the children took these home with the 1089 times table on it.
To finish, the class were divided into 3 teams and we played a team game where all the children were different digits 0-9.  The were then asked a series of maths questions, to answer the questions the children with the correct digits had to stand up; the children were impressively competitive at this!
Until next week.

Sports Day Photos (KS2)

Photos from Sports Day