Maths Games!

Some of the children in Class 4 have been using their knowledge of place-value of decimal numbers and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 today to come up with their own Maths game. They worked really hard and came up with some fantastic ideas. They then showed other children in the class how to play them.

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Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at classic fiction in English. We have read extracts from The Jungle Book and some of the Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling.

We are sending out homework tonight on the subject of classic fiction that is set according to children’s end of year expectations. We expect that all children complete some homework each week. Children can read the text independently or with your support and then choose which questions they would like to do.

If any children feel that they would like an extra challenge, they should speak to an adult in Class 4, and we will happily send additional homework out.

Homework this year will be sent home in a homework book on a Wednesday and should be returned to school by the following Monday. This is so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again.

We thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

Open the Book 15.09.16

On Thursday, Revd. Mary-Lou Toop and the Open the Book volunteers visited school for their first assembly of the year. We listened to the story of Jesus in the Temple and some of our new Reception children did a fantastic job in role as the crowd in the temple.


Oswestry School’s Primary Maths Challenge 2016

A huge well done to the Year 5 and 6 children who took part in the Primary Maths Challenge at Oswestry School on Wednesday afternoon. They had some pretty tricky problems to solve and Mrs Roberts was very impressed with their perseverance and, most importantly, independence.  The team came 4th out of the 9 schools competing and were only 5 points behind the 3rd-placed team.

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week we have been looking at number and place value in Maths.

We are sending out homework tonight on this subject that is set according to children’s end of year expectations. We expect that all children complete some homework each week. Children can choose which questions they would like to do, independently or with your support, that will consolidate the work that we have been doing in class.

If any children feel that they would like an extra challenge, they should speak to an adult in Class 4, and we will happily send additional homework out.

Homework this year will be sent home in a homework book on a Wednesday and should be returned to school by the following Monday. This is so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again.

We thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

We’re in the paper!

Just to let you know, some of the children from last year’s class 3 are in tonight’s Shropshire Star regarding our letter from the Queen.

School Choir Summer Assembly Performance

Class 4 Summer Assembly Performance

Well done at Shropshire Sings

Shropshire Sings

Well done to all the children who performed at Shropshire Sings on Wednesday evening. Miss Barratt and I were extremely proud of the effort the children put into their singing and also their impeccable behaviour – we are very proud of you and you were super ambassadors for our school!

Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to watch and were such an enthusiastic audience.

Miss Barratt and Mrs Johnson

Class 4 Homework

This week children have got some Maths word problems to complete. They can choose to complete between 5 and 10 questions. Please encourage children to read the questions carefully and show their working out.

Red Group – Section C

Green Group – Section B or C

Yellow Group – Section B

Orange Group – Section B or A

Blue Group – Section A